Chapter Seven

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    The opal cloud dangling from the golden chain has yet to leave my person. For some reason, I can't take it off. Most of the time I forget it's there, but when I remember, I make sure to keep it on.

    The sun reflects off the opal cloud onto whatever. The gold chain warns against my skin as I stay in the sunlight.

    "Gabby!" an achingly familiar voice calls out from downstairs. I frown before turning around. "Gabby!"

    Somehow, I've been taking the breakup well. Well, at least I think I am. I'm angry and sad when I see him, but I'm not really open about that.

    Of course, that may just be a step in the wrong direction.


   LYeah, yeah. I heard you the first time!" I yell back, "Don't get your panties in a twist." I snap as I make my way down the stairs.

    I enter the living room, annoyed with Damon already. I stop before widening my eyes in shock. He's chained to chair with a poker sticking out of his chest.

    Where have I seen this before?

    I start laughing, making him grunt in annoyance. "Where was kinky Damon when we were in a relationship?"

    "Whatever angry ex-girlfriend revenge plan you had, it could've waited at least twenty-four hours."

    My laughter stops and I raise an eyebrow. "What makes you think I did this?" I ask.

    "You mean our break-up?"

    "Well, sorry to burst your preconceived notion, but I haven't even started thinking of a revenge plan yet. Even if I did, it would be better than this," I say referring to his trapped self. "Though I do admit, it's a bit messed up." I state before yanking the poker out of him. Damon groans in pain.

    I toss the poker aside before tilting my head. "You know, seeing you like this is almost satisfying. Only because you like my identical twin"

"Gabby, please," he groans out, making me roll my eyes.

I yank the shackles off. The rest he can do by himself. I give a little goodbye wave as I walk off. "Fine. I'll just untangle myself!" I year hear yell as I walk off.

Suddenly, I hear Damon scream in pain. A burning smell fills the air along with a sizzling sound. I frown before speeding back into the living room. The curtain is open, letting the sun come through.

Damon's daylight ring is on the ground in front of him. He screams as the sun burns him. I speed to the curtains, quickly shutting them.

"Still believe that it's me?" I scoff.

"Well, obviously not," he snaps. I roll my eyes and make my way to him. I help him untangle the chains then I toss him his ring which he easily catches.

"Who did this?" I question, "and how are we not seeing them?"

"Recognize the scene?" He retorts, "I'm thinking Mason Lockwood is haunting me and is somehow able to hurt me. Looks like you're not the only one wanting revenge" Damon replies, standing up to stretch. "Come on, let's go get Ric."

I cross my arms. "What makes you think I'll be going with you?"

"The fact that you're the one who helped in his kidnapping," Damon retorts. Touché.

"Careful Damon, it almost sounds like you care."

Damon sighs. "Just because I like Elena, doesn't  mean that I don't care about you at all." He tells me.

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