Chapter Thirty - One

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The holiday season hasn't stopped my thoughts from competing with each other. Anytime I think about how I feel when it comes to Elena and Damon, or Klaus, that stupid voice in my head keeps telling me to ignore my problems and shut it off.

I can't believe I'm actually considering turning my emotions off.

So I try to distract myself by distracting Stefan from the idea of Elena and Damon sleeping together. I'm surprised he hasn't thrown a table or something yet.

Maybe he's in the denial stage or something.

Or maybe it has something to do with them learning how to break the sire-bond. All Damon has to do is literally tell Elena to stay away and she'll listen. Supposedly, he did that last night.

But I know Damon. There's no way he gave Elena up so easily. Unfortunately, we have no way of knowing for sure since we haven't seen either of them since.

No matter, Stefan and I need a distraction. So how do we distract ourselves in a way that doesn't force us to mess with Elena and Damon's drama?

Searching for the cure is one way, but then I'd be forced to face Klaus. And then thoughts about him will pop up and I'll end up spiraling.

So either way, I'm forced to face one of my many internal problems.


Well, I was forced to face my issues with Elena and Damon for girls' night, so maybe I'll deal with Klaus today. After all, he is part of searching for the cure. Maybe it'll be easier to avoid.

"So," I say, stepping into the study where Stefan is flipping through the pages of multiple books. "How was New Orleans?"

Stefan shrugs, not looking away from the books. "Fine." I take a seat beside him, searching for the lies. He looks at me before giving me a reassuring smile. "I promise, I'm okay. Are you? Caroline told me what happened."

I give a dismissive wave. "Elena and I talked it out. It went...fine, I guess. I'm not really sure how to feel about it."

Stefan scoffs before returning to his books. "You and me both."

"What's with the books?" I ask, trying to figure out what any of them are talking about.

"Klaus showed me the sword that hunter was buried with. Apparently, the hilt of it is what literally decodes the Hunter's tattoo. We just need Jeremy to grow his mark so we can eventually decipher it."

"That's it?" I frown. "We just wait?"

"Yep," Stefan sighs, leaning back against the couch.

"Well, that's...anticlimactic."

"But it's good," Stefan says. "Because this is a straightforward path to getting the cure. Are you going to the winter festival? I told Caroline we were."

"Well, I guess I am now." I chuckle before leaning back against the couch too. I sigh. "I'm glad there's nothing making you go psycho enough to miss this."

It's at this moment that I believe whatever higher power there is must truly dislike us. Because, of course, the phone rings, and Caroline's name is flashing on the screen. Stefan frowns but answers it.

"Where are you two?" Caroline demands. "I'm in a crisis!"

Stefan winces. "Sorry, right, I didn't even realize we were late. I've got Gabby next to me. We'll be there shortly."

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