Chapter Twenty - Two

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"Hey." He smiles, kissing my forehead. I smile back at him as he takes the seat next to me. The weight of the comfortable couch shifts slightly.

I lean my head on his shoulder, snuggling against him in comfort. "Are you ready?" I ask excitedly.

He rolls his eyes. "I can't believe you're making me watch this."

"Well I can't believe you've never seen Supernatural before," I tease back. He smiles and leans in.

I close the gap, putting my lips on his. He grabs the back of my head as he deepens the kiss.

I stop and quickly pull away. I sigh in annoyance, glaring at Stefan who is sitting next to me.

Stefan, sorry, imaginary Stefan looks at me with confusion, making me stand up and cross my arms.

"Damon, stop messing with my mind!" I exclaim throughout the house.

The scenery disappears and transforms into the front porch of my house. Damon appears beside me, smirking in amusement.

"I don't know about you, but I like it. You and my brother? I think it's a good match. You know, the whole opposites attract thing going on with you two." He shrugs, still smirking at me.

"You're just saying that because you want Elena to be with you and not Stefan," I argue, putting my hands on my hips I glare at him.

"Okay, so maybe that is one of my reasons. But I will admit, you and my brother make a good pair."

"I don't give a shit," I snap, "get out of my head."

I roll my eyes as he raises his hands in innocence. "Hey, don't blame me! Stefan is having a great make out session with you back in his dream."

"Damon!" He smirks at me in response. "Damon, you can't just mess with our heads like that. Nothing is going to happen between Stefan and me. Elena may ditch Stefan for you, but don't use me to try to make it happen quicker."

He groans in annoyance. "Fine. I'll try not to break up our siblings."

"Good." I state before stopping a few feet before him. "Now get out of my head!" I growl right before bringing my fist back.

I punch him in the face, immediately feeling my body getting jerked to the side.

I immediately wake up, my body jerking to the left, then the right. I look at the driver's seat and see Damon driving.

I guess he swerved the car after I punched his face in to dream.

He looks in the rear view mirror to glare at me. Stefan, surprisingly, doesn't wake up. He just lays in the passenger seat, eyes closed.

Damon looks at me through the rear view mirror once more after looking at his brother's sleeping body before sending me a wink.

"You're an asshole," I insult before flipping him off. "You know, this isn't how you become my friend."

"Being the perfect wingman? I like to think it is."

    "Being selfish is not being the perfect wingman," I retort.


    "You did what?!" Damon demands, his voice higher than it's supposed to be. Stefan and Damon switched seats about ten minutes ago, before my brother decided to ruin the quiet with this new information.

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