Chapter Three

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"Welcome back to Chicago, Stefan," Klaus announces as we step out of the black SUV. The Chicago breeze pushes my hair back. "I'm sure you'll enjoy this city as much as I do, Gabby."

    He looks up and I soon follow his gaze. The lights of the city almost decorate the night sky. The city is beautiful. It's almost enchanting. I'd enjoy it more if it weren't for Klaus.

Klaus leads us to a small building. "What are we doing here?" Stefan questions as we step inside.

"I know how much you loved it here," Klaus replies, still smirking. "Bringing back good memories of the ripper days."

    "Blocked out most of them," Stefan corrects with hands on his hips. I take a chance to look around and notice we are in a warehouse. A somewhat abandoned one, I might add.

    Klaus looks out the door he opened with a satisfied smirk.

"A lot of blood, a lot of partying. The details are all a blur," Stefan says, bringing me back to reality.

"Well, that's a crying shame. The details are what make it legend," Klaus replies with an awed smirk. He looks up and to the right a bit. He's silent for a few seconds. Is he having a flashback?

I let out a small cough, trying to get his attention. "Um, Klaus? Yeah we can't really see your flashback so...yeah." I say, now bringing him back to reality.

He shoots me a quick glare before looking back out at the beautiful city. "Chicago was magical," Klaus says, basically summing up his flashback.

"Yeah, well, I'll take your word for it." Stefan scoffs. "Like I said, I don't remember most of it." Stefan folds his arms across his chest and turns away.

"Ready to get down to business, then?" Klaus asks, obviously disappointed.

"Why are we still with you?" Stefan commands, "We had our fun, your hybrids failed. I mean, don't you want to move on?" Stefan asks.

Klaus glowers at Stefan's poor attitude. "We're going to see my favorite witch. If anyone can help us with our hybrid problem, it's her." Klaus starts heading back toward the black SUV.

"A witch?" I repeat before letting out an annoyed sigh.

Klaus rolls his eyes as he enters the black SUV. "Get over it, love."

"Witches aren't exactly my favorite species," I snap, following him and Stefan to the car. 

"Don't do or say anything to insult her or her kind or you'll end up dead," Klaus retorts, a little sassily I might add.

"He's right, take his advice, Gabby," Stefan tells me. I stare at him with a raised brow. "What?"

"You're so bipolar." I tell him. "One minute, you're complaining about the next ten years and the next you're saying we should do as he says. Make up your mind."

He rolls his eyes. "Get in the car, Gabby," he commands.

"Yes, that would be lovely so we can go ahead and go," Klaus sasses from the car. I roll my eyes and speed into a spot in the car. He waits a few seconds. "Are you ready?" He asks slowly as if talking to a child.

I roll my eyes. "Don't patronize me."


    "Looks familiar, doesn't it?" Klaus asks Stefan with a smirk as we enter a bar. Stefan looks around and gives a small smile, obviously recognizing it.

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