Chapter Ten

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I lean against a tree, watching my brother and Tyler shoot arrows at beer cans. Jeremy aims Alaric's crossbow and shoots the beer can, knocking it to the ground. Wait, doesn't Jeremy have a job at the Grill? He shouldn't be here.

     "Nice shot!" A semi-drunk Tyler compliments.

"So, what's the point of this, again?" Jeremy asks as Tyler sets up the beer can again.

"The point is I'm pissed at Caroline, and Bonnie dumped your ass," Tyler explains with a sigh. "The point, is to get drunk and shoot stuff."

"I usually prefer a different method of showing my anger," I admit, deciding to make myself known, "but I guess this will suffice."

Jeremy and Tyler glance at me. Jeremy glares while Tyler's facial expression tells me, 'Welcome to the party!'

    "Mind if I try?" I ask, making my way towards the two.

    "Shouldn't you be saving Klaus's life right now?" Jeremy retorts, "Or nearly killing our sister?"Of course the little brat told. Snitch.

    I put my hands up in surrender. "I agree, threatening Elena's life was a little...overboard, but you gotta cut me some slack. Vampire emotions, you know?"

    "I'm part vampire and I'm not that emotional," Tyler points out.

    "That's because the only thing you feel is being Klaus's bitch."

    "Until yesterday, you were one too," Jeremy points out as Tyler laughs at my comment.

    "Aw come on man, she apologizes. Let her go for a shot," semi-drunk Tyler comments, giving Jer a pat on the back.

    Jeremy sighs before handing me the crossbow. "You know," I start as I set up the known weapon. "Alaric will shoot you with this if he finds out you took it." I place the arrow in the crossbow. Before I can aim, I ask Jer a question. "So, why are you here instead of your job?"

    His eyes widen a tiny bit. He groans in annoyance. "Does Elena know?"

    "Considering I'm no longer in the loop? Most likely," I admit . I bring the crossbow up and aim for the can, but some semi-drunk dumbass stands in the way.

    I lower the crossbow before raising a brow. "Are you going to move out of the way?" I ask, a little impatient.

    "Dude, I'm a hybrid." He scoffs. "You can't kill me unless you cut off my head or rip out my heart and you're not going to do that with some lame ass crossbow."

    "A little cocky there, are we? I bet Caroline loves that," I taunt. He sighs and stands directly in my way.

    "Go ahead, shoot me. Unless you don't think you can hit me," Tyler challenges, changing the subject back to being a cocky idiot.

    He gets into a defensive position, getting ready to catch the arrow. I roll my eyes before aiming and shooting for his head.

    He leans to the side and catches it with one hand. While he was distracted, I grab a separate arrow and throw it at his chest. He catches both, allowing me to give a slightly impressed look. "Nice," I compliment.

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