Chapter Twenty - Eight

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    The sound of a beeping microwave forces me awake.

    For a moment, I forget I'm not in my guest bedroom at the Salvatore house. Instead, I'm in my bedroom at home, where I haven't slept in months.

    Despite Elena thinking it was a bad idea for me to stay at home tonight, I did it anyway. She killed someone. No matter how mad she is at me for keeping secrets, her guilt will smother it out.

    She must be making tea. I don't think she's been able to sleep since she killed him. I wish I felt the same with my first kill.

    "Jeremy!" she calls out, making me quickly sit up. "Gabby!" I hear Jeremy's footsteps run past my room, forcing me to quickly get out of bed.

    Elena's muttering something to herself, but I don't listen to it as I quickly make my way downstairs.

    Just as I make it into the kitchen, Elena shoves a knife through Jeremy's neck.

    "Jeremy!" I cry out, quickly speeding over to catch him before he can fall. Elena's dropping the knife, already sobbing behind me.

    Jeremy looks at us with wide eyes, holding a hand to his wound. I quickly bite my wrist, getting ready to heal him again, when Elena stops me.

    "No!" she cries out, "he's lost too much already! We can't have him dying with the blood in his system!" She's holding his hand, revealing the ring that protects him from supernatural creatures.

    I slump my shoulders before lowering my wrist. I give Jer an apologetic look as his eyes slowly start to close.

    It's silent again, save for Elena's ragged breathing. "I...I can't believe I did that," she stutters out.

    I look back at her. "What the hell were you thinking?" I demand.

"I—I don't know," she trembles, "it wasn't Jeremy. I thought...He wasn't Jeremy."

"Elena, there is no one else in this house except us," I snap. "We both would've heard something by now. How could you mistake Jeremy for someone else?"

"I don't know!" She exclaims as more tears fall down her face. She stands and turns away, gripping no her hair like a lifeline. "I don't know! He was there and then Jeremy was!"

"Who was there?" I ask, standing up beside her. She quickly yanks her hands out of her hair once she realizes there's blood coating them. "Elena, who did you see?"

She looks at me with wide eyes. "I thought it was a ghost."

"And you thought stabbing a ghost would've gotten rid of it?" I deadpan. "Who's ghost did you think you saw?" She's silent for a few moments, waiting for me to figure it out.

Oh. Connor's.

"It couldn't have been a ghost," she says, "he was able to hurt me."

"Well, it's certainly not because he's alive," I retort, making her look down at Jeremy. Too soon. Damn. "So, what? You're hallucinating him?"

"This isn't the first time," she admits.

"Sounds like you need to get rid of your guilt," I sigh. "Help me out Jeremy on the couch. We can clean up the blood after we call Stefan."

"No," she denies immediately. "I don't want to call Stefan. You've both been lying to me."

"You'd rather call Damon?" I retort. "Because he's going to be super helpful." Although, her not knowing Damon knows could work in our favor.

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