Chapter Forty - Three

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    Things feel different now that I've gotten the Klaus thing off my chest. I feel lighter, better equipped. Just in time to help my sister burn through the rage taking over her heart.

Elena's hellbent on finding and killing Katherine. I don't blame her; Katherine killed our brother. But, she's not strong enough. I am not strong enough to kill Katherine.

So for now, we sublimate, just like Stefan asked me to.

I haven't sparred or fought my sister since she started training with Ric. It's been nearly a year since she's learned all that stuff, so I'm excited to see her far she's gotten.

Unsurprisingly, I can still beat her ass, but she's able to put up a fight and I'm proud of her for that.

"Enough!" Elena huffs out a few moments after my foot pins her neck to the wall of Stefan's bedroom. Stefan watches us with crossed arms from the side.

"Oh come on," I whine, "this is easy to get out of. I have so many openings!" I lean my weight against her neck some more. "Take me down, Elena."

She glares at me before grabbing the foot against her neck to stop me from leaning any further.

"Gabby, I'm serious, stop!"

"Gabby—" Stefan speaks up.

"You think Katherine's gonna stop?" I continue. "If I were her, you'd be dead right now."

"You're not Katherine," Elena grunts out, still struggling to push me away. "You're my sister. I don't want to hurt you."

"I don't think you can," I taunt. I finally lower my foot, allowing her to catch her breath. "I'm pretty low-tier on the strength hierarchy. If you can't stop me, you can't stop anyone."

"That's enough, Gabby," Stefan scolds. I put my hands up in defense. "You didn't have to say that."

I look back at my sister. She looks at me like she's gonna murder me. "I did," I correct. "Distracting her with cinderblocks isn't gonna tell her what she needs to hear: Elena has no chance against Katherine. I'm not gonna let her die in an attempt to prove otherwise."

"What?" Elena scoffs. "I don't get any say in how I process my rage? She killed our brother, Gabby."

"I was there," I snap. "Trust me, I know. I couldn't stop her, Elena."

"You couldn't stop her because you didn't have your humanity," Elena snaps back. "The rage will help—"

"The rage will make you reckless. You'll get yourself killed, and I don't want to be left alone because of your stupid need to be a martyr!" I sigh, calming myself down. "You need to give yourself time to breathe."

"What?" She scoffs. "You've already moved on from Jeremy's death?"

"Of course I haven't." I cross my arms, already feeling the stupid tears well again. "I've barely had time to grieve with everything going on, but I miss him and I miss you."

Elena finally pushes herself off the wall, taking heavy steps to stand before me. "I'm going to avenge Jeremy's death. Stay out of my way so you won't be collateral."

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