Chapter Sixteen

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    Sometimes, I wish I could just leave Mystic Falls. I wish I could just get up, turn off my humanity, and not feel guilty about leaving my friends and family behind. Personally, I don't know what exactly is keeping me from doing that. It might be because of the guilt I'd eventually feel. It might be because this town is a hotspot for action. Obviously I wouldn't simply settle elsewhere, I'd have to create my own action. That's the fun part about being a vampire, I can do whatever I want whenever and I don't have to worry about the consequences.

    But they'd stop me, I know they would. Scratch that, Elena would stop me. If she herself can't do it, she'll rope everyone else in. They wouldn't stop a binge for me or the people I'd hurt, but for Elena. It's weird how she has everyone wrapped around her pinky. We all jump through hoops for her. For example, we turned Bonnie's mom into a vampire. Did we have other ways? Yeah, but those didn't benefit everyone. Someone's happiness will always be sacrificed and I feel fortunate it wasn't mine. Not to say that I'm happy, or whatever. Right now, life is... content.

    I almost feel bad for Bonnie. I mean, not much changed considering Abby could barely use magic, but still. Bonnie offered me her companionship, someone to talk to, and I turned her mom into a vampire. Worst part? I did it to make sure my revenge plan was on track.

    Is this how Stefan felt when we were first freed from Klaus? Was he always coming up with new ways to hurt Klaus just to satisfy his anger? I was mad at Klaus too, but Stefan's anger was on a whole new level. I don't want to end up like that, but I know I probably will. Just the thought of Damon makes my fist clench.

    Yet, when I think of the other day's events, I can't help but smile. I had his heart in my hand. I had the power to end his life. Even though he refused to show it, he was scared of me. After I explained why I turned Bonnie's mom, he was afraid. He was always good at hiding his expressions, but I know him. Deep down, he knows I'm right. One day, he'll be left to rot alone.

    I can't wait for that day to come.

    "What's got you smiling, love?"

    Oh yeah, I'm still in Klaus's bed.

    With a small groan, I turn myself around to face him. He's close, but that no longer bothers me. I've gotten used to his company and the hatred in my heart doesn't burn as much as it does for Damon.

    His eyes look into mine, and I can't help but feel a little vulnerable. How does he do that? Lately, it only takes is one gaze and my guard's down.

    "Just thinking about some stuff," I answer vaguely, "Nothing important."

    I can't help but lean into his hand as it cups my face. I hate that it feels nice. "Anything you'd like to share?"

    I give a small smile. "No." I press my lips against his, gently kissing him. He kisses me back and that ends our momentary conversation. I've noticed that kissing him stops him from talking too much.

    I shift my position so I could move from his lips to his jaw. I create a small trail from his jaw to that sweet spot on his neck. This is usually the part that drives him crazy enough to pull me away and start doing the same to me.

    But before that could happen, my phone rings loudly. Damn, I can't help but think as I pull away. "Shame," I comment before sitting up and away from him, "I was hoping for an early morning round."

    "You and me both."

    Elena's name flashes on my screen, giving me a couple seconds to debate whether I should answer or not. It'll probably be a lecture about killing Abby.

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