Chapter Twenty

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Somewhere in the spiritual realm is a soul basking in the praise and gratitude it's received from me. The soul? The creator of a sundae, of course.

Now the other receiver of my praise is, I believe, alive and well. Who are they? Why, the only being of power I'll answer to. Oh creator of Supernatural, receive my praise!

Now the combination of those two is something that has yet to be beat. And when I can, I indulge in the satisfaction I gain from it.

Today is one of those days.

"So hot," I sigh wistfully before taking a bite of the strawberry ice cream. That gruff voice of the one and only Dean Winchester speaks up.

And before I can process what the hell he's saying, the screen goes black.

I frown in confusion, only for it to be answered by the presence of the asshole behind me.

"I need your help," Damon says, leaning over the back of the couch to look at me.

I nearly gape before making eye contact with him. With a grunt, I whack the back of his head with my spoon, making him flinch and let out a small 'ah!'

"A very bold way to get my attention!" I snap, hitting him again. "What the hell made you think you could approach me like that?"

"Jesus—stop hitting me!" He exclaims as I hit him a third time. He scoots out of my reach. "I'm serious!"

"Why would I help you? After all the shit you've put me through?"

    "Hey, you put me through some shit too!" He argues.

    The look I give him prevents him from saying anything else about the subject.

    He sighs. "Look, your school is throwing some dance tonight and everyone we know is going."

    "And you for some reason feel the need to be a part of that?" I take a bite of my sundae. "God, I forget you're a pedophile."


    I look over at him in slight bewilderment. "Dude, you know you would be legally considered a pedo, right? We dated when I was seventeen."

    "Hold on—"

    "Ha!" I laugh. "Oh my god, you've been alive for two hundred years and you didn't know those were the actions of a pedophile?"

    "Okay, that is not where this conversation was supposed to go—"

    "I mean, I guess it was considered okay since I had Jenna's permission, but a lot of people didn't originally know—"

    "Okay, no, this is not what we're doing right now." He sighs before hopping over the couch and taking a seat beside me. "I need you to get me in."

    I scoff. "Just have Elena take you. Or Hell, get on the chaperone list like you did last year."

    "Elena's taking Stefan and the deadline for that list passed."

    "Aw." I give a pout. "That's so sad. Too bad."

    "Gabby, please," he sighs. "Are you still mad at me? I'm trying to be friends again."

"I'm sorry?" I demand. "You're trying to be friends again? Look, I didn't believe you when you said you still care about me. So why would I believe you now? Besides, I don't want to be your friend."

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