Chapter Twenty - Seven

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    I frown as Elena writes in her little diary. When was the last time she did this? More concerning: I've been standing here for at least fifteen seconds and she has yet to notice me.

    Or maybe she has noticed me and refuses to acknowledge me.

    She pauses for a moment before finally looking up. She jumps once we make eye contact. Nevermind.

    "Gabby," she lets out before dropping her diary in her lap.

    "Looks like you're more emotionally sensitive than physically sensitive," I note. I lean against her doorframe.

    "Says you," she retorts with a small smile, "If I remember correctly, you cried, got angry, and got really hungry."

    I give a dismissive wave. "We've moved on from that. I'm so emotionally stable right now, everyone's jealous."

    Elena lets out a snort. "I'll believe it when I see it."

    I roll my eyes. "What's got you so depressed this morning?" I try to think of recent events that involve her. "How was the vamp training?"

    Elena's smile falls before she looks at the diary in her lap. "It's...hard," she admits. "How do you not go crazy every time you see blood?"

    I sigh. "I know it seemed like I caught on quickly," I start, "but we were taught by different people. Mine and Damon's life were on the line. If I couldn't control myself and do what Klaus said, he would have gone to Mystic Falls to kill Damon. He would've seen you were alive when you were supposed to be dead." She looks at me with pity which makes me speed up my little rant. "But you've got a great support system! You've got our friends, your family, your weird vampire love triangle--"


    "--who all want what's best for you! I know you're probably feeling a little depressed? Been there, done that, and we're over it."

    "Are you?"

    "We're over it," I repeat, "and now you're the sad and depressed one. And you're probably thinking you have to do this for our younger brother because we're all he has left."

    She frowns. "How did you know?"

    "Because you're Elena Gilbert!" I answer proudly. It was the only response I could think of that wasn't an insult. "And you care about everyone's wellbeing!"

    "You're being really optimistic. It's not like you."

    Well, we're gonna get the cure and get you back to your normal self so you'll stop crying.

    "I'm hopeful," I correct with a small smile. "Also, I'm really sorry about the whole not being there for you. In my defense, no one thinks I'll be helpful with your emotional turmoil."

    "They're right, you're not really good with emotional support," Elena agrees. I frown. "But, you're doing a pretty good job right now. Thanks, Gabby."

    "I know, I'm amazing."

    She shifts in her spot, making more room for me on her window seat. I sigh and step into her room before sitting beside her.

    "What did you and Jeremy do last night? He said you guys had fun."

    Damn, what was the lie again? Sundaes and movies?

    "Yeah," I lie, "we had a pretty chill night. I got to make my amazing sundaes."

    "Didn't think you'd be allowed to have a chill night," Elena sighs. "I swear, it's hard to catch a break these days."

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