Chapter Seventeen

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A tear slid down his cheek as he stood by the door, staring at us. His shoulders were slumped and his face was scrunched up, trying not to show emotion. It was the first time if ever seen him cry, expect in the hospital, which I actually did not see, I just heard i him whimper. I hated seeing him like this, but what's worse is that I caused it. I must be fucking bipolar. I loved Luke, so why do I keep crawling back to Beau? Maybe it's his sweet personality that can make you giggle when you're down, or how sensitive and caring he really is, or his gorgeous face that makes you melt, or his eyes, those emerald charms. SHUT UP YOUR BOYFRIEND IS CRYING IN FRONT OF YOU AND YOURE THINKING ABOUT BEAU?

I heard Luke whimper and sniffle as he stood there. He took one last look back at us and then sprinted out of the room. I got up off the bed, not even glancing at Beau and ran after Luke. This was the love of my life's heart I'm playing with, I'm capable of smashing it, which I just did. I wish I wasn't. I hate myself for hurting him, he's never done anything wrong, he's the best boyfriend you could ever want. I know what I have to do. I have to make it up to Luke and explain to him everything, them I'll avoid my feelings for Beau and then they'll go away, and it'll all be normal again?hopefully.

I was getting a little out of breath as I chased after Luke down streets, but I didn't stop. I yelled his name so many times but he didn't look back, he just stated straight ahead and kept running. He eventually got to a small forest with a bench inside, surrounding a small hidden lake. He sat down on it and tucked his head between his knees which were on the bench too, and cried into them. I'd broken my own boyfriends heart into so many pieces. I am awful. I'd made the one person I love most in my life have a break down, I made him cry. I let him witness his own girlfriend making out with his older brother. What kind of person am I?im a monster.

I walked over to him and sat next to him, keeping my distance. A tear rolled down my cheek as I whispered his name, whimpering as I said it. He didn't look up, or reply, he just sat and sobbed into his faded denim jeans. I tried to take grip of his hand but he snatched it away.

"Luke I can explain", I whispered.

"Go ahead then, tell me why the fuck I found you kissing my brother", he said, looking up.

His eyes were bloodshot and swollen from crying. His cheeks wet with tears, what have I done?

I explained everything to him, from when I began liking Beau a little, the profile picture thing, everything.

He looked broken, like I'd cut him with a knife.

"Luke but you have to understand, I don't love him like I love you, I don't love him at all, it's just a few feelings that don't matter, I'll get over them. But you have to understand that when I kissed him, I didn't feel sparks, i felt nothing, but when I kiss you, I feel fire works and butterflies, YOU, Luke, are the one for me, I love you, Beau isn't my love, you are.", I said to him in a shaky tone, he deserved to know the truth, which is what I said.

He looked up at me again. He grasped my hand, his hands were clammy and shaky, but they had courage to pick mine up. I shuffled closer to him and leant my head on his shoulder. He kissed my forehead and snaked his arm around my waist.

"I love you, I really do, and you don't understand how much it hurt to see you kissing him, but if you're telling the truth and it didn't mean anything..then I forgive you", he whispered in my ear.

His voice was husky, it made me shiver. He was so true to me. He really loved me that much that he would forgive me, I can't believe I took him for granted like that. He's amazing. I love this boy more than I have loved any one else in my life. He made me feel like I was worth something. My whole life, I have lived feeling I was worthless, nothing, and that people would be better off without me, but Luke, Luke makes me feel happy, he makes me feel like I really do matter, that's why I love him. I leaned in to kiss him, as his soft lips pressed on mine. The touch of the metal on his lipring sent shock waves through my body. He was the one I want, he was the one I need. Without him I feel sad, unhappy, useless. I need him in my life. I never ever want to let him go.


Ooh, should Luke have forgiven Kelsey?🙈

Kelsey and luke?

Kelsey and beau?


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