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⇒lukes pov

I walked into her room, not finding a trace of her. I saw her stuff, just how she usually left it. I walked inside and sat on her bed. Her phone was lying on her bed, the screen locked. I pressed the unlock button and saw a picture of myself and her appear. I never knew she kept that photo. A smile crept on my face, but soon faded when I remembered why I was in here. I stood up from her bed and walked towards the en-suite. I opened the door and saw something I never could've even imagined.

Kelsey was lying on the floor about to raise a bottle of bleach to her lips. She didn't look up to acknowledge me, her eyes steadily trained on the red tip. I screamed. My legs felt numb, but I forced them to run to her. My body collapsed beside hers, grasping the bottle tightly from her hands. Her tear stained eyes looked into mine with such anger for taking her chance away.

"How could you?" she yelled, grabbing a knife beside her to her arm.

"Kelsey!" I shouted to her and gripped her arm and the knife separately. I threw the knife into the bath near the door.

She screamed and tears streamed rapidly down her face. Her breath was hitched and fast as her body weakened into mine. I felt my own tears begin to leak down my cheeks. How could I let this happen?

I rested my head on her head as she cried into my torso. I shut my eyes as the tears continued to fall, as hers did too.

"Why Luke? Why do you come back now?" she said through gritted teeth.

"I don't know Kels, I'm a fucking idiot who doesn't deserve you but God, am I glad I came here today."

"Luke this could've ended, I could've got out. I wouldn't have to feel like my lungs are twisting themselves inside out every time I breathe. I don't want to feel this pain anymore, can't you see that? Do you want me to suffer?" she choked out, her voice weak.

"I want to make it better, I don't want you to live your life everyday like that. I want you to get better, you can't just end it. Please, let me help." I tell her. Her breathing is loud and heavy, my tshirt becoming more soaked by the second.

She doesn't answer my words, she just keeps crying into me. I slide my phone out of my pocket and ring my mom, the only person I thought could help.

I sit with her on the bathroom floor for the following twenty minutes until my mom showed up with the ambulance as well. As much as Kelsey tried to deny it as the medicals tried to take her, she needed help.

Everyone was torn up about the news but Kelsey was trying to sort everything out while her time in hospital. Her so called "friends" like Pandora and Kylie tried to run back to her after the incident, but Kelsey was having none of it. She claimed she was taking people out of her life that she didn't need, and she certainly didn't need them. I guess it's true, people do only love you when you're ill or dying.

She started afresh with everything but it took a lot of time. She needed to be watched a lot ever since what happened, because she was still a danger to herself even if she claimed that she wasn't. Watching her in pain was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do, and I'm still not sure if it's worth it to see her, but just watching her lie there sometimes was the most amazing thing because watching her breathe was like watching someone take their last breath. I never knew where it ended with Kelsey, so I never took a moment for granted with her. She was so fragile and it really showed when she was like this.

I learned many things that day, but the most important thing I learned was not to ever go to sleep being mad or angry about something or at someone because you never know, you could wake up one day and they haven't.


okay I'm so sorry it took so long for me to finally do this but here is part one of the epilogue! I'm doing this to mark the 100k reads of this fanfic so congrats you earned it! thank you all for the reads you're all so amazing. I hope you enjoy this a lot, my writing has improved a lot since I finished this fanfic so it should be better!

it's crazy to think that I've got 100k reads because when i finished this fanfic i had around 20k so to see how far it's gotten is amazing, thank you guys so much!

I have some other fanfics at the minute too like....

M.O.N.E.Y ( luke hemmings )
Daddy ( calum hood )
Therapy ( luke brooks )
Maps ( luke hemmings )
One plus one ( michael clifford )
Consumed ( ashton irwin )
Clarity ( calum hood )

you can check them out now if you wanna ♡♡♡

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