Chapter Fourty One

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'Therapy 'is out now, my new fanfiction.


(Luke's POV)

It had been month since everything got really fucked up. Since Kelsey has been on her own, since she's been lonely. She's been off school a lot recently, probably to avoid me. Scratch that, she probably stays off to avoid people in general. They're all really mean to her, she does have it tough. I know I should step up and help her, I want to. But I can't. I have to wait until I know I can definitely tell we can be together. I need to tell her I love her soon, but I will. It'll all work out, I'll have my Kelsey back. Jai and Kelsey are okay, he seems to try and hide this from me a little but I can see right through him. Twin telepathy. Jokes. But seriously, I can see right through his acts.

Torn in two, and I know I shouldn't tell you but I just can't stop thinking of you.

I almost fall for it all the time, I almost fall into my own trap and tell her I love her, but I can't yet. Beau is still a problem. Everyone is still a problem. I love this girl with all my heart. I can't stand to see her being hurt, it kills me bit by bit, like I'm being stabbed in my gut a little each time I see her sad face, her hurt eyes, her frail body, her everything. She's so sad, and she can't help it, it hurts me. I'll make this right soon, I promise her.

I pulled myself out of my bed and almost fell on the floor, but quickly stopped my fall by aiding myself with the blanket. I let out a huffed breath. Saturday. Almost a full week I haven't seen Kelsey. She was in school on Tuesday and Wednesday, but she skipped Monday, Thursday and Friday. My beautiful Kelsey. I hauled myself from the bed and changed into a pair of skinny-ish jeans, a green t-shirt saying 'Suck My D-I-C-K', and a red hoodie with a pair of my famous Vans, blue to be precise. I just ruffled my hair, I wasn't in the mood for a hat day, my hair was actually sitting okay. I walked out of my room and walked down stairs, and hop in my step. I walked into the kitchen and drank a quick glass of milk. I didn't have plans today, so I went back upstairs and grabbed my phone. I walked back downstairs and sat on the sofa. I entered the twitter app, and typed up Kelsey's username.

Her account came up, and it seems she hasn't tweeted since that night she tweeted us all sorry. I hope she doesn't get hate anymore, that killed me to see my fans hurting the girl I loved. What can I say though, I'm hurting the girl I love. I picked myself up from the couch and walked towards the livingroom door. I thought I'd go to her house and fix things, but I didn't know if I should. Yes, I'm going to do it today. I'm going to go to her house now, and tell her I love her. I can't stand to see her hurt any longer, I need to be with her. Fuck Beau, fuck everyone, she's my girl, I need her to be okay.

I slid my phone into my back right pocket, and left my house. I walked down these familiar streets, feeling a little worried of my plan. What if she didn't want me back? Of course she would, she has no one right now, she'd take anyone really. Theres nothing more to argue about. She does still love me , I hope. She did tell me that last time we spoke, and I definitely still love her. I passed the park, and turned to opposite street, two more blocks and it would all be okay. I passed all of these houses, some owned by elderly couples, widowed elderly couples, big families, small families and some just like mine. I saw a couple of people mowing the lawn, leaving the smell of freshly cut grass, I loved that smell. It reminded me of spring for some reason. Usually our grass failed because its too warm and not enough rain, but when it was good grass it was amazing.

I passed more houses until I finally made it to her street. I walked down the street, my hands clammy by my sides. My whole body was shaking, I felt like I was being told if I was going to die or something, I was so nervous. I'm not sure why I was nervous, maybe because she's the only girl I've ever loved, or at least ever told I loved. But this time, I really meant it. I did love Kelsey, I don't know what I'd do without her. I love her too much to see her hurt anymore. I finally walked up towards the big house she owned. All alone in that house was Kelsey. I couldn't even begin to wonder how lonely she was.

It was ridiculous, her parents just leaving her like that, she literally did have no one. Usually when people say they have no one, they really do still have people around them who put in the effort, like family, friends, or even just the unpopular kids at school, but no one put in the effort for Kelsey, not even me. I felt kind of ashamed that I was only being brave enough to do this now, I wasn't even brave enough though. I don't even know if I can do this now.

I took a deep breath, and began walking towards her door, through her drive-way. The walk to her door felt like I was walking for miles, it was the most scared and nervous I had ever been in my life. I finally reached the door. I took another deep breath, and wiped my clammy hands off my hoodie, which still seemed to be clammy. The sweat kept returning. Beads of sweat began forming on my forehead. I didn't know if the heat was making me sweat, or if it was the nerves, but I was sticking with nerves, because it wasn't even that hot out. I sighed, I was so completely wimpy for being so scared about this, but 'love' is a small word but with a huge meaning. I wasn't prepared to say I loved just anyone.

I lifted my right arm up and placed my fist on the door. I took my fist away and knocked on the door three times. Knock Knock Knock. Like that. I waited for a few seconds, my breath hitching as if I was running a marathon. I waited for a further minute. No answer. I lifted my fist once again, and knocked another three times. Knock Knock Knock. I really was nervous now. Maybe she saw me and didn't want to answer. This worried me. I waited a further two and a half minutes with still, no answer. I walked around the house and came to her window as I looked up at the closed curtains. I checked my watch. 13:28. She couldn't possibly be still sleeping. Now I was worried. I picked up a pebble and threw it up at her window. No reply. Not even a shudder of the curtain material.

I walked back around to the front door and knocked again, with still, you guessed it, no reply. I walked around to her tall wooden fence that blocked the entrance to her back garden. I climbed over it and landed on my knees on the other side. I scraped my hands a little but I didn't care, I wanted to know why Kelsey wasn't answering the door. I walked around to her back door, and tried to open it. With my luck, the door was open. She obviously forgot to lock it, silly Kelsey. I walked into her house, smelling her smell. Her sweet smell of perfume and strawberries. I was quiet not to scare her, so I checked each room to check if she was there. Living room, nope. Kitchen, nope. Downstairs bathroom, nope. No where downstairs, so I proceeded upstairs.

"Kelsey!", I shouted, "It's Luke, I just wanna talk."

No reply.

She's avoiding me, she must be.

I walked into her bedroom and didn't find her, but I saw her stuff, just how she usually left it. I walked inside and sat on her bed. Her phone was lying on her bed, the screen locked. I pressed the unlock button and saw a picture of myself and her appear. I never knew she kept that photo. A smile crept on my face, but soon faded when I remembered why I was in here. I stood up from her bed and walked towards the en-suite. I opened the door and saw something I never could've even imagined. Something I never wanted to see. Tears pricked at my eyes at the sight before me, how could I let this happen?


8.5k for an update! WHAT DID LUKE SEE? VOTE!

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