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Lauren is a 6 year old human child. But whenever she wants to, Lauren can turn into a black wolf with dark green eyes, this is the form she tends to take most of the time.

Camila is a 5 year old human child. The same as Lauren, whenever she pleases, Camila can take the form of a white wolf with dark brown eyes. Like Lauren, she takes this form most of the time.

Lauren and Camila are like werewolves but not quite. They do not look like werewolves, they look like normal wolves. Also, they can turn into wolves whenever they please, it doesn't have to be a full moon.

Camila and Lauren live in two separate packs, but the packs are inseparable and are like family with each other. The Jauregui wolf pack is the pack that Lauren comes from and the Cabello wolf pack is where Camila comes from.

The only thing that stops the Jauregui and Cabello pack from joining together is that there would be two alphas, Alejandro and Mike, and they would have to fight to the death to see who would win top alpha. But Mike and Alejandro are friends, which is unusual, so they don't want to fight. Resulting in the two packs staying separated but friends.

Camila's mother, Sinu, died when Camila was just two years old. She died when a hunter shot her in the woods, so her father, Alejandro had to raise her on his own from there.

The Cabello pack consisted of only 3 members yet:
Alejandro was the Alpha (He was a grey and white muscular wolf)
Camila was the heir and child the of Alpha (She was a white small and scrawny wolf)
Justin was the good teenage friend of Alejandro (He was a black and grey wolf with an average body build)

The Jauregui pack also consisted of 3 members yet:
Mike was the Alpha (He was a big black wolf)
Clara was the mate of Alpha (She was a thin brown wolf)
Lauren was the heir and child of the Alpha (She was a black wolf with a semi-muscular build)

Both packs were still recruiting members.

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