Chapter 26

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A few minutes had passed where the two, Lauren and Camila, sat in silence, Lauren comforting her girlfriend. All the raven haired girl wanted to do was ensure that the smaller girl was okay, especially after what Austin had done to her. She would take care of him after all of this.

"Babe?" Lauren whispered, nudging her girlfriends head slightly with her shoulder. Camila stirred before raising her head and looking Lauren in her emerald orbs. The smaller girls eyes were red and wet from her silent sobbing and Lauren instantly felt her heart drop a few feet at the sight.

"Let's go to the lake, meet the others and I'll drag that piece of shit," she growled, pointing towards Austin who was still lying unconscious on the floor, "behind me." Camila debated for a few moments before slowly nodding and allowing Lauren to stand up first. The younger girl held out her hand and Lauren pulled her up, clutching her waist protectively when she was fully standing.

"I got you." Lauren spoke, her voice raspy, it made Camila instinctively smile.

The two walked over to Austin, Lauren standing slightly in front. Only now, as Camila reached the man on the floor, could she see the impact made on his face. His nose was definitely broken, no doubt about it, he had a black eye on his left side, his cheeks were inflamed and he had scratches and bruises scattered all around. It looked terribly painful but he got what he deserved.

"You ready?" Lauren asked, snapping Camila out of her thoughts of Austin and how much of a creep he was. She nodded vigorously, not wanting to spend another second in this place and clutched onto Lauren's arm.

The raven haired girl grabbed both of Austin's legs and held them under her left arm, Camila on the right as they both began walking. Lauren, of course, dragging Austin behind them in the dirt.


Lauren and Camila had been off schedule by 15 minutes and the rest of the packs were beginning to worry.

"Justin? Where is Lauren? We can't find her anywhere, one minute she was in the woods with us, the next, she was gone." Dylan informed Justin, who was anxiously leant up against a tree next to Shay around the lake.

"Dylan, I really don't know right now." He swallowed hard, gazing down at his feet. He didn't want anything to have happened to Lauren or Camila, especially. Shay rested her hand on Justin's shoulder, trying to comfort him.

"Don't worry, J. They were, well still are, the alphas. I think they can handle things." She smiled and Dylan nodded in agreement. Justin sighed hopefully and placed his hand over Shay's as a sign of saying thank you.

Just when Justin was about to speak, the packs heard a distant noise coming from within the forest, the sound of bushes rustling and leaves being stepped on.

"Positions." Justin ordered. Shay and Dylan returned to their place, which was behind some of the trees nearby. Justin waited to see who it was before possibly attacking. He heard faint voices in the distance, female voices. Instantly, the blonde haired boy recognised the two female voices.

"Camila?! Lauren?!" Justin exhaled in slight relief. The other members of the packs relaxed a little and approached out of the shadows of the forest. That's when the two girls appeared from the depths of the woods, Lauren dragging Austin behind, in which the others hadn't noticed yet. What they had noticed was how strange Camila was being. She was clinging onto Lauren's arm, like she never wanted to let go, scared to almost. Her body was so close to Lauren's that she would almost be tripping over herself and her head was leaned up against her girlfriends shoulder, looking innocent like a child with her mother. It was... Unusual for everyone to see.

Jade, who still had a visible bruise above her eye, ran over to the two girls. "Are you guys okay?" She asked, aiming her question mostly at Camila. Lauren gazed down at her girlfriend, who wasn't making eye contact with anyone, and then back up into the eyes of Jade.

That's when Justin broke position and jogged over next to Jade, everyone else slowly walking towards the two girls as well.

"What's wrong?" Justin asked worriedly, "and wheres Austin?"

Camila squeezed Lauren's arm at the sound of the mans name and moved closer to her, if that was even possible. Lauren gulped, holding back her tears and swallowing the sharp lump in her throat. Instead of answering Justin's question, Lauren dropped Austin's legs and let them fall to the ground with a thud.

"What the fuck?" Jade whispered, walking around the two girls so she could see behind them. That's when she saw Austin, unconscious, blood covering his entire face.

"What.. What happened?" Jade stuttered in complete shock. Lauren stepped aside slightly and allowed the others to admire Austin.

"I did what I had to." Lauren stated, no sympathy in her voice whatsoever.

"And what exactly did he do to deserve this?" Justin asked, stepping forward towards Lauren.

"Bring him over there," Lauren pointed in the direction of the lake, "We will wake him up and then he can explain."

Justin stared into Lauren's eyes for a few moments before nodding. "Jade, help me carry him." The smaller girl obeyed and grabbed Austin's legs, waiting for Justin to help her.

The blonde haired boy narrowed his eyes at Lauren and clenched his jaw but Lauren just stared back, eyes burning into his.

After a few seconds of having a staring contest, Justin brushed past Lauren, towards Austin. The raven haired girl felt a pang of anger hit her but she chose to ignore it.

Lauren gazed down at her girlfriend who was already staring at her with bright brown eyes. She sighed, "I don't think he trusts me Camz."

As she spoke, Justin and Jade began carrying Austin to the lake. Justin nudged Lauren as he passed, "Hurry up Jauregui, we're all waiting for an explanation."

The older girl hung her head and clenched her (still) bloody fists. Justin didn't trust her, what could get worse right now?

Unexpectedly, Lauren felt a pair of small warm hands wrap themselves around her fists. Lauren relaxed slightly at the warmth radiating from her girlfriends hands.

"Don't worry Lo. I trust you." Camila whispered.

The best feeling is when you look at someone and they are already staring at you like you are their world. Well, as Lauren looked down, that was exactly what Camila was doing.


Thank you, love you guys Xx

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