Chapter 2

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"Mija?" The girls heard a male voice behind them.

"Lauren?" And another male voice, this one was deeper.

The two wolf pups immediately turned around, Lauren hovering over Camila still. Alejandro and Mike were stood behind them.

Lauren pounced off Camila and pounded towards her father, "Hey daddy!" Lauren jumped onto her dad and bit his ear playfully, tugging at it gently.

"Papi!" Camila screeched and rolled onto her stomach before jumping up. She ran to her father and he licked her nose sloppily.

"Did you pups have fun?" Alejandro chuckled, earning a nod from his daughter and a quiet giggle from Lauren. "We were watching you for the past few minutes," Mike informed his daughter before turning to Alejandro, "and they didn't realise." Alejandro raised one eyebrow whilst Mike smiled genuinely.

"I've got to speak to you about something quite serious tonight Mija." Alejandro patted his daughters head with his paw. "But Papi, I thought Lo was coming round tonight?" Camila pouted and looked at her best friend, she had a hopeful look on her face. Alejandro looked at Mike and he nodded. "Okay, Lauren can come round later, so I will talk to you about the serious stuff another time, there's no rush." Camila grinned widely and ran over to Lauren. When she reached her, she jumped on top of her and pinned her down to the floor. Camila licked Lauren's face repeatedly, "Yay! Yay! Yay!" The black wolf pup giggled beneath her.

"Eww... Stop... Stop it... Ca.. Camz." Lauren spoke through her laughter.

One day, Lauren and I are going to be the alphas. How are we meant to be alphas? She's too cute and I'm not violent at all, we are definitely not ready anytime soon. But we have plenty of time to grow up. Camila thought, "Let's hope we grow up together." She said, finishing her thoughts out loud. Lauren stared into Camila's eyes for a moment, then unexpectedly licked her face, saliva covering all of her nose. Camila fell back in shock, "Ew Lo! Yuck!" She pawed at her face and removed the saliva whilst Lauren lay on the cave floor, giggling to herself.

"Don't worry Ale." Mike whispered to Alejandro, who was watching the girls communicate, "They're gonna be great." Alejandro turned his head to look at his alpha friend and smiled in response.

"I know Mike. It's just.. Something different, I guess." Alejandro stated, Mike nodded in agreement.

"Mija! C'mon pup, we will see Lauren later. Let's go." Alejandro barked, alerting his daughter. Camila smiled at Lauren before running back to her dad.

"I don't think they realised what happened a moment ago. We will need to tell them soon." Alejandro whispered to Mike as he past him, Mike nodded and wrapped his paw around his daughter protectively.

"Bye Lolo!" Camila slurred as she was lifted in the air by a pair of sharp wolf teeth, her fathers. It didn't hurt though, he did it all the time to carry her far places. "Bye Camz," Lauren replied, smiling widely and waving her paw in the air.

With that, Alejandro ran off into the woods with his small daughter held between his teeth.

"Me and your mother are going out hunting tonight, we will take you to Camila's when we get back." Mike patted his daughters head and ruffled her fur playfully. "Okay daddy." Lauren giggled before making her way into the cave to see her mother.


"That was really fast Papi! I think you're getting faster everyday!" Camila panted when her father dropped her at the entrance of their cave. "I hope I am getting faster Mija." Alejandro smiled and pawed at his daughters wet nose playfully. "It would be good for me as the alpha."

"Where's Justin?" Camila asked, heading inside the cave.

"He's sleeping in his room, he had a busy night last night," Camila tilted her head sideways towards her father. "Fighting Mija, at least I think so." Alejandro growled slightly, Camila knew he didn't like Justin fighting when there was only two male wolves in the pack to protect them. The small white pup nodded hesitantly, she was unsure of Justin, Alejandro wouldn't let her speak to him sometimes, as much as he loved him himself. Alejandro and Justin were best friends, even though they had their moments. Alejandro was more like his dad however, as Justin was only a teenager.

Camila brushed up against her fathers leg lovingly and then went to her room, waiting for tonight to come, so she could see Lauren again. Soon, Camila fell into a gentle sleep and slowly turned back into her small human form.


Thank you for reading and voting, I appreciate it! Leave some feedback and let me know what you think of this story so far :)

PS - I apologise in advance...

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