Chapter 3

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"Mija?" Alejandro's voice echoed through the cave as he placed his hand on his daughters hair. She was sleeping. "Mija. Wake up baby, I'm going hunting."

"Pa-papi?" Camila stirred awake and opened her eyes so her gaze met her fathers. He was human, as well as her. They couldn't keep taking the wolf form all the time as it would damage them and they could become weak, they should only use it when fighting or hunting. But Camila always preferred to be a wolf.

"I'm going hunting, Justin is in his room if you need him. I'll be back before Lauren gets here." Alejandro bent down and kissed Camila on the forehead. "I love you Papi." She yawned.

"I love you most Mija."

With that Alejandro swiftly took the form of his grey and white wolf and sped off into the deep dark forest.


Lauren was curled up on a blanket on the cave floor. She was in her human form, her long hair wrapped around her stomach as she lay there. She wasn't asleep. She couldn't go to sleep. Her parents entered her room and her head shot upwards.

"When we get back from our hunting, we will drop you off at Camila's, we won't be long." Clara said walking over to her daughter and kissing her on the forehead.

"Stay in the cave until we are back, we will be back before dark." Mike ruffled Lauren's messy dark-raven hair, as she nodded in agreement.

"Okay I will. Goodbye mummy, goodbye daddy. Hope you bring something good back." She laughed.

"We will try! Goodbye Lauren, we love you." Clara smiled at her daughter and Lauren smiled back.

Lauren watched as her parents took their wolf form and ran out of the cave. Leaving her alone in the dimly lit cave.


"J-Justin?" Camila asked, making her way into his room slowly. Justin was in wolf form, Camila noticed. Quickly, Camila turned into her wolf form to make herself fit in with Justin.

Justin was sleeping, Camila edged closer to him quietly. Above Justin's left eye there was a deep scar wound which looked relatively fresh. Camila furrowed her bushy eyebrows and leant closer to him. She was about to reach over to it when Justin stirred awake.

"GET AWA-" Camila flinched and jumped backwards in fright, "Oh, Mila it's just you.." Justin said as he settled back down on his bed. The small wolf had to look at him for a few seconds before realising what happened, when she did, she shook her head to remove the thought.

"Justin?" Camila remembered why she went to him in the first place, "Papi isn't back yet." Justin's ears pricked up and he lay his head back on the floor. "Don't worry Mila! He's-"

"He's an hour overdue. He should be back by now.."

Camila was beginning to get worried but Justin seemed to be very calm. He patted her on the head and told her that she shouldn't worry about him.

The anxious white pup went out of Justin's room and back into her own. She knew she shouldn't worry because her dad was the alpha. He'd be fine. But what if he wasn't? What would-

"M-Mi-Mija," a breathless voice was heard from outside Camila's room.

Her father.

"Papi!" Camila's heart jumped for joy and she rushed out of her room. Only, when she reached him, the whole world around her froze. Her tail pricked up. Her body went still. Her blood ran cold. She saw what she had always dreaded.

Her father was lying on the floor, blood pouring out of his stomach. He looked old and tired, he was bound to give up soon.

"Pa-papi? W-what. What h-happened?!" The poor girl choked on her own words and a tear fell down her cheek, only to be absorbed by her fur. She didn't understand.

"M-Mija baby.." He tried to raise his head off the cave floor but instead he ended up coughing violently. "Y-you're v-very br-brave." He panted, Camila could barely understand him now, "You will... Make it thro..through this.. I L..Love.. You.." He closed his eyes and focused on his breathing, only now he was wheezing.

"Tell me... Tell me what happened!" Camila sobbed, nuzzling her dying father with her snout. She needed to know, she had to know. With all his energy, Alejandro lifted his paw and wrapped it around his crying daughter protectively.

"I- I was.. Hurt.." He was whispering now, barely audible. He had seconds left at this rate.

"The..." His eyes fluttered closed slowly as he took his last breath, "The Jauregui's..."

Alejandro was dead. His eyes were shut and Camila felt his whole body loosen and relax. Right now, Camila was only focused on her father. She was sobbing into his fur, telling herself that this was all a dream. A nightmare. But it wasn't.

She couldn't wake up from this.

When her sobbing died down a bit, she raised her head to look at her fathers paw around her. The bracelet was still there.

Camila's mother, Sinu, always wore that bracelet but when she was killed, Alejandro thought it was best to keep it as a memory. It was worn out and tattered but that was what made it so special. Alejandro had always told Camila that it was a special bracelet and that it could do other things than just stay on your wrist.

Camila stared at the bracelet and grabbed it between her small teeth. She pulled it off her fathers hand swiftly and held it between her teeth. She wanted to keep it safe. As a memory. So she did.

Just then there was a scratch outside the cave. When Camila realised who it could be, something clicked inside of her and anger hit her like lightning, making her entire body tense.

"Lauren." She growled through gritted teeth.

She stormed over to the cave entrance to find none other than the black wolf pup, Lauren.

Lauren's face lit up slightly, "Hey Camz. I'm really scared, I don't-"

"Go. Away. Lauren." Camila snapped, interrupting her. To Lauren this was very unexpected and she was immediately taken aback.

"Wait.. W-what?" Lauren stuttered, taking a few steps back, out into the open, where pouring rain hit her forcefully.

"You heard me Lauren!" Camila barked stubbornly, "I don't want anything to do with you anymore. Stay. Out. Of. My. Life!" She howled and all of a sudden, Lauren felt tears sting in her eyes. This couldn't be happening.


"Don't call me that."

Lauren swallowed the sharp lump in her throat. "Camila please. I've lost my parents... don't let me loose yo-"

"Get away from me Lauren. Your parents killed my dad! Go back to those murderers that you call your 'pack'!"

"They wouldn't! You and I both know that they wouldn't murder anyone, especially someone from your pack. But don't you get it?!" She whimpered, showing how hurt she was, "I don't have a pack anymore!" Lauren's voice cracked as she spoke out loud. Deafening thunder struck above the cave and lightning cracked in the dark sky. Such a miserable night.

"Good! So leave me and my pack alone!" Camila tensed with anger. "I hate you Lauren, you and your family."

With that, Camila growled and bared her teeth. She stormed back into her cave, leaving a very lonely, wet, crying and confused Lauren outside in the rain to suffer on her own.

Lauren felt her heart breaking. First her parents hadn't come back, and now her best friend hates her. Camila hates Lauren with a burning passion. Lauren had lost everyone and she didn't even know why.

But there was another thing on Lauren's mind, now they were both the alphas and they were to make all the decisions.

'What would Camila do to me?'

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