Chapter 12

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"This has gone on for long enough Camila." Lauren panted, "You can hurt me all you want. Kill me if you have to. But leave my pack out of this."

Camila's heart dropped. Lauren thought that she was doing this to get back at her, but in all honesty, the idea hadn't even crossed her mind. "Lauren, I swear I'm n-"

"That's enough." Lauren snapped, glaring at Dinah who was still holding an unconscious Jade in her arms, "I'm leaving, with her."

Camila turned her head to look at a very scared looking Dinah. She swallowed hard and turned to look at Lauren again, "Okay."

"This isn't finished Camila. We can't keep avoiding the obvious, you want to fight me. You always have. So," Lauren inhaled and flicked her eyes away from Camila, "Meet me tomorrow, in the woods, near the lake." The green eyed girl found the courage to meet Camila's chocolate orbs once again and God, did it hurt.

Dinah glanced at Camila, her face turning white. The small brunette was staring at Lauren, no expression across her face. It was like she wasn't where she was, it was like she was in a dream.

When Camila just stared at the other girl, Lauren took that as a hint and walked over to Dinah to carry Jade back to her cave. Lauren stopped when she reached Camila, she was so confused by this girl it was unbelievable. She desperately wanted to know what was going on in Camila's mind but it was impossible to see through her. Instead Lauren took one last look at her, sighing before grabbing Jade and turning around.

She began making her way into the woods but before she entered, she spun around, meeting the familiar pair of brown eyes, "Goodbye Camila."


"Mila please." Dinah turned to her best friend, desperate. Camila had zoned out and Dinah thought she knew why. She grabbed her smaller alphas shoulders and shook them gently.

Next thing she knew, Camila was shaking her head and her breathing deepened. "Dinah.. I can't-" The small girl choked, taking a few steps back cautiously. Dinah followed her, never breaking eye contact.

"Hey, I'm here. Breathe."

Camila took a few deep breaths, inhaling and exhaling sharply each time. "I- I always thought that I wanted Lauren to fight me. But I never thought that she'd want to." Dinah stared at her, "I get it. Go to her tomorrow and just explain yourself."

Camila's eyes became glassy, "What am I gonna say Dinah?" The caramel haired girl gazed down at the floor, defeated. "Maybe I should fight her. Maybe it's for the best." Camila sighed and felt her heart ache for some reason. It wasn't meant to feel this way...


"I'm going in for the night." Camila announced after a moment of silence between the two. Dinah nodded in agreement.

Once they were in the warmth of their cave, Camila turned to Dinah, "I'm going into my room, please don't follow." She whispered.

"Okay. Goodnight Mila. I'm only a room away if you need me." Dinah spoke, her voice soft and gentle. Camila thanked her appreciatively before entering the privacy of her own room.


My nightmare came. When she looked me in the eyes, it all flashed back, like a horrible memory. But unlike most times, it didn't feel as bad. Something was different about the dream. Something was missing...

Camila's head was aching as she lay on her bed. She couldn't figure out what had happened to her before with her 'not so friendly' encounter with Lauren. She tried closing her eyes and remembering it.

It got to the part where my father had been killed but I was frozen to the spot and this time.

"Oh shit."

Lauren wasn't there.

Lauren wasn't in my dream, my nightmare. She wasn't the psychotic wolf that once haunted my dreams. Instead, it was just me and my father... And, I could move?

Camila's eyes shot open and her pupils adjusted to the light, minimising. Her heart was pounding on overdrive and she had a buzzing noise that ran through both of her ears. Now it all flashed before her eyes, at full speed.

I was walking over to my father, he was dead. One thing stood out to me...

The bracelet.

The bracelet that was my mothers, the bracelet that was my fathers and the bracelet that was now mine.

Camila inhaled painfully and sharp. The images in her head, gone. Her breathing, normal. It was like that was the dramatically painful ending to it all.

Camila turned her head to the right, a single tear rolling out of the crease in her eye. She spotted it. The box where she kept the precious bracelet. She hadn't looked at it since that night she had took it off her father. She didn't want to risk loosing it.

The small brunette rolled off her bed and made her way over to the box. She removed the cardboard lid and peered inside. There it was. The dark blue bracelet which looked tattered and worn, but instantly it brought tears to Camila's eyes.

She picked it up and stared at it through her watery eyes.

That's when she noticed something she'd never noticed before. Two circular shaped buttons were engraved into the bracelet. Camila wiped her eyes quickly, and squinted to see what they said. One of them had a red dot in the middle and the other had what looked like a triangle turned 90 degrees to the right.

She ran her index finger over the first button, the one with the triangle and what she heard next, almost made Camila faint right there.

*Mija baby, it's you're Papi...

I've just been shot in the stomach*

Oops there it is..

Were you expecting that?

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