Chapter 28

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Lauren's heart thumped in her chest as she heard her girlfriends voice from behind her.

Almost everyone froze and all eyes averted to Camila. All of a sudden, this was her spotlight and no one was allowed to take it away from her.

"Do you even realise what you've done to me?" Camila continued hesitantly but almost confident, staring forward, trying to avoid contact with Lauren's fear filled emerald eyes.

There was silence from everyone. Everyone too scared to talk. Even Lauren, Camila had that effect on people.

"Cam-" Lauren tried, cautious. But, of course, she was cut off abruptly by her girlfriend.

"Austin." Camila snapped calmly. Lauren gulped and lowered her gaze, there was no point in trying to convince her to stay quiet, even though she knew that would be best.

Austin was staring at the smaller girl, blood dripping from his mouth and nose. But still, he remained silent, allowing his eyes to speak for him.

They were filled with so much hatred and ignorance towards Camila and she knew it.

The small brunette slowly began walking towards her pack and the dirty blonde tied securely to the tree, never once breaking eye contact with him.

"Tell them all the truth Austin." Camila growled lowly as she came face to face with the boy who she was informing. Lauren took a few steps back from the pair, instinctively intimidated.

Austin finally caught his breath and opened his mouth to speak, "You know... I could easily hurt you if I wanted to." He stretched his words, giving them more meaning and threat.

Camila stumbled backwards slightly but tried to regain her posture. Lauren however, could read Camila like a book, "You fucking try it." She spat, taking a step forward, in front of her girlfriend and shielded her with her arm. The younger girl flinched at the touch but then realised that it was only Lauren.

"Stop fucking butting in!" Austin bellowed, pushing his head forward to try as reach Lauren's. The green eyed girl stood her ground, like any alpha would, and held her deadly stare without saying another word.

Austin, on the other hand, couldn't bite his tongue any longer, "Why the fuck can't you let her speak?! Why do you keep protecting her?! I just want to get with her!"

"What?" Camila's voice cracked from behind Lauren. The raven haired girl quickly turned her head, only to be met with brown watery eyes from her girlfriend. The first tear escaped from Camila's waterline and Lauren watched as it rolled down her cheek.

That's when something snapped inside Lauren.

She turned her head slowly back to Austin again, her jaw clenched. A hand grabbed Austin's throat and pushed his head back into the tree.

"Why did you do it Austin?! Is it cause you're a fucking waste of space and no one will ever like you? Is it because you get amusement through others suffering? Or are you just naturally a piece of shit?" Lauren snapped, her face reddening in colour from anger.

Austin coughed, blood flying from his mouth, "What the-"

Lauren squeezed his neck harder, making it harder for the boy to breathe.

"-fuck." He wheezed.

"Lauren!" Camila cried from behind the pair, "Stop!" She screamed.

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