Chapter 6

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"Mila wait, are you sure about this?"

A hand grabbed Camila's and spun her around quickly. It was Tyler. Camila met his eyes instantly and nodded.

"Yes Tyler. Believe me... It will help. It will help me, it will help you. It will help us." Camila whispered, although she wasn't quite sure if it would. Tyler grinned at her softly. "Whatever helps you... I'm down."

Camila thanked him quickly before hurrying out of the cave. She needed some space, some alone time.

She made her way quickly but quietly into the forest, but not in too deep. All the while, her head was lowered, watching her feet move as she walked. She knew where she was heading, down to the lake.

She loved going to the lake, it was like her private area where she could relax and have some thinking time to herself. And she needed to think a lot of the time lately.

She came closer to the lake and saw it through the trees. She was about to step out into the clearing, to the lake, when she realised someone was already sitting there. A boy. About her age? With his legs in the water.

Camila's eyes widened slightly, as she wasn't expecting anyone to be there. She watched the boy for a moment and he didn't seem to pose a threat, but how could she be sure?

She leant closer and obliviously stepped onto a twig which crunched loudly beneath her foot, breaking the silence.

Quickly, Camila jumped behind a tree as the boy snapped his head to the sound. She couldn't see him now.

"I'm not looking for any trouble." He said calmly, "so, you can come out," he sighed before whispering, "if you promise not to kill me."

Camila smiled in relief, she didn't want any trouble either, in fact, that was the last thing she wanted right now. Slowly, Camila placed her hands on the tree and moved from behind it, to show her face to the boy. She saw his face clearly by now.

He had brown hair and brown eyes, and he was staring at Camila. He realised that he was staring and turned his attention back to his feet, that were paddling softly in the water of the lake.

Camila kept her distance from the human boy for a moment. Was he fully human, or half wolf like herself? She examined him carefully, trying to figure him out. When the boy realised that Camila seemed cautious, it was like he had read her mind. "I'm half wolf, don't worry."

Camila sighed and nodded her head. She cautiously made her way out into the clearing, and over to the lake.

"I thought so. I don't think there are any normal humans in this forest." Camila said gently, laughing slightly as she sat next to the boy by the lake. He turned his head to look at her and laughed whilst nodding his head in agreement. "Yeah I guess you're right."

The boy held out his hand for Camila to shake, "I'm Shawn." Camila took Shawn's hand in her own and shook it, "Camila."

Shawn froze and gulped heavily, avoiding eye contact with the smaller brunette. He nervously cleared his throat, "Camila.. C-Cabello?" He asked.

Camila's head shot up and she looked at Shawn who was looking down anxiously. "Yes... That's me.. How do you-"

"Our pack. We heard about you." Shawn answered quickly. This was the girl that Lauren was cautious of? Shawn thought to himself. Camila watched him and felt that he seemed a bit strange since she had mentioned her name.

"Right.. What pack are you from?" Camila questioned. Shawn felt his heart rate speed up. Shit, Shawn mentally slapped himself, I can't lie to her. The brown eyed boy met Camila's eyes hesitantly. "My pack is the Jauregui pack." He stated, cringing as he imagined Camila's reaction.

Camila's smiled faded, her face was blank. She felt herself becoming angry again but she didn't want to snap, she didn't want to fight.


"Okay," she spoke almost inaudibly. She rose up from the lake and stood up quickly. Shawn watched her, quite surprised that she wasn't annoyed. But inside, she was.

"Goodbye Shawn." She said through gritted teeth and glared at him intimidatingly. He could sense Camila's anger now, and didn't want to push her so he raised and arm and waved slowly.

Then, Camila disappeared, as fast as she had appeared, back the way she came.

"Shit!" Shawn jumped up from the lake and looked in the direction Camila had just gone. "Shit, this is bad. This is really really bad." He stumbled backwards and hit a tree. His breathing and heart rate increased rapidly. "Shit." He repeated, his eyes widening.

"I need to tell Lauren."


Camila reached the cave, her heart was pounding from rage. She gritted her teeth and groaned lowly, storming into her home. All of her pack members were huddled around, talking but they silenced when Camila entered, sensing her distraught.

"I'm done thinking!" She shouted whilst panting angrily. "I know what I want."

She growled, "and I'm done waiting."

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