Chapter 19

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Camila admired her mate, smiling effortlessly. Lauren was just such a beautiful person, inside and out. She had a way with words unlike anyone Camila had ever met. Camila feels safe with her, she trusts her, possibly even with her life. In fact, Camila knows that Lauren would always protect her no matter what. That's what makes her the better alpha.

"You've always been the better person Lo. The better alpha." Camila whispered watching Lauren's face intently.

"You know that's not true." Lauren argued.

"I know it's true and that's why, if our packs join together, I'm stepping down as alpha."

Lauren's jaw dropped as she gasped, her eyes widened and she stared at Camila in shock. "What. No, you can't."

Camila nodded contently. "But you've been through so much, you know how you handle emotion more than I do. You're better than I ever was." Lauren spoke, genuinely.

Camila leant forward, clutching the back of Lauren's hair, and kissed her nose gently. "Lauren, I know you would protect anyone you love and care about, you put everyone above yourself and that's something that I'm not very good at. And you won't have to do anything on your own, I'll be here and I'll help you every step of the way." Lauren's eyes filled with tears at Camila's sincere words. She meant every word of that and you could tell by the way she was looking at the older girl.

"Okay." A tear rolled down Lauren's cheek, "whatever you want."

Camila placed her hand over Lauren's cheek and wiped away the tear with her small warm thumb. Lauren laughed, filled with love, as more tears rolled down her face.

"All sorted then." Lauren giggled, watching Camila concentrate as she wiped away her tears that escaped from her emerald eyes. She was so lucky.

"I'm a better person when I'm with you," Camila said softly, "you've taught me so many things Lauren. I'm so glad that you are my mate, I wouldn't want anybody else."

Lauren wrapped her arms around Camila's face and hugged her tightly. Camila wrapped her arms around Lauren's neck as both girls smiled widely.

Things were going to be okay...


"Hey Ally," Normani said, stepping inside of the smaller girls room so she could speak to her. Ally looked up from her bed and smiled softly.

"I need to talk to you." Normani walked over to the bed and sat down, making Ally sit up and beside the younger girl.

"Sure what's up Mani?" Ally asked, scanning the other girl. Normani turned and faced Ally and looked her directly in the eyes, "It's about Dinah, my mate."

"Oh, Lauren told me bits about her. Not much though. But what's happened?"

"I can't stay away from her. I barely even know her that well and I can't stay away, it's already hurting me." Normani explained, lowering her head as she felt her stomach flip at the thought of being away from her mate.

"I get it." Ally sighed, placing a comforting hand on Normani's knee, "But everything will be okay soon. Lauren has gone to find Camila and sort things out. I have a feeling you and Dinah won't be apart for long."

Normani felt a smile tug on her lips and she wrapped her arms around Ally for a hug, which the older girl instantly reciprocated. "Thank you Ally. I hope things will sort themselves out." She said, hints of desperation in her voice. Normani really hoped that things would work themselves out, but not just for her sake, but for Lauren's and the packs. By staying away from Dinah, she was staying away from her mate and keeping the packs apart. It had been 11 years. 11 years since they were friends and she knew it would be hard but they had to learn to be friends or allies once again. This needed to happen.

The redemption, and the only way to get that was for Lauren and Camila to go alpha to alpha.


"Where's Camila?" Dinah asked, frantically searching around the cave. Camila had just suddenly disappeared from the cave a few minutes ago. One minute she was in her room, the next she was no where to be seen.

"I think she went out." Justin said, motioning towards the door. Dinah stared at Justin for a moment, he was so quiet these days and she had no idea why. When Camila and her had became friends, it was the three of them in the pack, no one else. Justin kept to himself and every so often he would come back to the cave with scars on his face and wounds everywhere, he was so lucky to be alive still. Dinah never asked what happened to him because she was some what afraid of what his response may be.

Looking at him now, she noticed a fresh scar cutting right through his eyebrow and he had a busted lip.

What a strange person...

Dinah then realised how she was staring at Justin and snapped out of her little trance and quickly back into reality. "Okay thanks Justin." Dinah cleared her throat to cover up from her oblivious staring. Justin smiled shyly and looked down at the floor, revealing more bruises on his forehead to Dinah.  This time she couldn't keep quiet.

"Are you okay?" She asked, causing Justin make eye contact again. He frowned in confusion, and Dinah was slowly becoming intimidated by this young man. "Just because you always have bruises and scars.."

Her voice trailed off as Justin flipped his blonde hair over to the left side of his head to cover up a visible scratch. He gulped but nodded his head, "I'm fine Dinah, honestly." The caramel haired girl nodded and smiled apologetically, "I hope so."

"You'll know everything there is too know when the time is right." Justin added in a serious tone before turning around and walking back to his room without another word.

What the fuck was that meant to mean?

Dinah stood there for a moment, eyeing the door in which Justin had just entered, flustered and confused. Many thoughts flew through her head and she only expected the worst. She hoped Justin wouldn't do anything stupid or anything that he would later regret. Then her thoughts were interrupted when she remembered about Camila.

Turning around, she exited the cave and looked around her surroundings. Camila could be anywhere...

"Mila?!" Dinah shouted, circling the cave, searching for her smaller alpha best friend. Then she heard a female voice cursing from within the forest nearby.



Just when you thought all of the questions were answered...

What's Justin up too? ;)

Thank you for all the likes and comments! ily Xx

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