Chapter 25

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Warning - Physical abuse, sexual harassment etc.

"Wait up cutie." Austin shouted as he jogged to keep up with the younger girl.

She rolled her eyes, "I have a name you know. It's Camila." Austin just stupidly shrugged in return. This was like dealing with a child. Camila was beginning to feel even more uncomfortable, so she tried to get any sort of conversation flowing.

"So Austin, what do you like to do?" The small brunette asked, not making eye contact, clearly not interested one bit. Austin, however, stood up straighter and began walking directly beside Camila, "Well," she could tell he was obviously proud and all about himself, "I'm a hunter." He boasted.

The small girl, felt her blood boil and her jaw tighten, this was definitely the murderer that killed Alejandro, Mike and Clara. In that moment, Camila felt the whole world spin slowly, she just wanted to go full wolf mode on this man and kill him instantly but then she remembered the plan; so she couldn't. If it was up to her, he'd already be dead.

Instead, she had to pretend like nothing fazed her and carried on. "Had any near death experiences?" She asked, no expression in her voice as her mind was else where. The dirty blonde nodded, almost too enthusiastically. "Yes many!" He chucked slightly. "But I killed them and got away."

What a cold hearted motherfucker.

"Oh really?" Camila growled slightly, then coughing to cover up her wolf like tone. Austin frowned but chose to ignore it, slowly nodding his head instead. "Yep, especially when it came to wolves."

That was it, Camila felt the urge to do something, but she couldn't do anything physical like attack. Could she? "Seriously? I love wolves." Camila spoke, anger spiking in the back of her throat. Austin shook his head in a mixture of disappointment and disgust, "They're vile creatures babe. If only you knew."

They were about five minutes away from arriving at the lake when Camila stopped in her tracks. She clenched her fists so tight that they turned a pale white colour, Austin noticed. "Oi, what's wro-"

Austin was cut off when Camila whipped her hand over to his cheek and slapped him across the face. His cheek turned a burning red colour for a moment as he winced in pain, Camila glued to the spot. His face was turned away from the younger girl and she couldn't tell what he was doing, all she knew was that she had made great impact upon his face. It all happened too fast; she had acted on instinct, again. All the anger had built up inside of her for the last ten minutes and she somehow felt relieved that she was able to let some of it out. Bad idea.

Austin spun around so sudden and quick, his facial expression unreadable, only the bright red mark standing out upon his face. "You're gonna wish you never did that." He spat through gritted teeth. Suddenly, Austin pushed the smaller girl back powerfully, so she smacked her back full force against a nearby tree. He strode over to her, anger flashing in his eyes, as he grabbed both of Camila's wrists and pinned them up, above her head. She was trapped now, dazed, in an enclosed space with her fathers murderer.

She hung her head, not wanting to look him directly in the eyes. He noticed this and he took his chance, grasping Camila's neck and pinning her even more into the bark of the tree, almost choking her. "Wanna say anything pretty girl?" He smiled, releasing her neck slowly and beginning to stroke down the side of her right thigh. She flinched and shut her eyes tightly.

"Don't f-fucking touch me." The brunette whimpered slightly, trying to wiggle free from his grasp but he was strong, really strong. That's probably why Justin had met his match when it came to Austin.

"Your body is amazing, I just can't keep my hands to myself." Austin whispered, the tone of his voice harsh and bitter. Camila's heart sunk and tears stung in her eyes. "P-please." She tried to maintain her strength but she was quickly breaking, and she couldn't hold it in for any longer.

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