Chapter 38

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After a few moments of shock, Camila turned to her left, her face close to Normani's side profile.

"I should go see if Lauren is okay." The small girl informed the other.

Normani, eyes never leaving Austin, nodded subtly before finally turning to face her friend, "I'll give you two some alone time." She smiled faintly.

"Thank you Mani." Camila breathed shakily, "Just tell the others about what happened. As soon as Lauren is good to go, we will come right home." She explained, Normani mumbled a quite 'right' before the pair of them rose to their feet.

Normani hugged Camila close before walking off into the forest, leaving the small brunette with her unconscious girlfriend and.. A (now) irrelevant dead guy.

The brown eyed girl peeled her gaze away from the trees as soon as Normani had vanished into them. She turned to her girlfriend who lay on the ground close by and frantically ran over to her, dropping to her knees beside her.

She placed her head on the girls shoulder and closed her eyes tightly, a few tears spilling out of them.

"I'm so in love with you Lauren." She sobbed, the whole situation too overwhelming for the young girl.

"You have no idea how much I fucking love you. I was worried sick." She whispered almost inaudibly, her arms wrapping around the girls stomach as she spoke.

A few seconds passed before Camila felt Lauren's warm hand settle on top of hers and interlock their fingers together.

The smaller girl sniffled upon feeling her girlfriends welcoming touch but she still didn't move her head from Lauren's shoulder.

"I love you too Camzi." Lauren rasped, her eyes fluttering open ever so slowly. She winced at the pain that was invading her head, it still hurt like hell but it wasn't as bad as before.

Carefully, trying to avoid as much pain as possible, Lauren turned her head to her shoulder, where Camila's head was tucked, and snuggled into her girlfriend.

Camila's breathing was irregular and she was trembling. Lauren noticed.

"I did it Lauren." Camila exhaled, "I killed him."

Lauren managed to raise her arms and wrap them around Camila's slender waist.

"I know baby." She mumbled, "but it's okay, he was bad."

"That doesn't make it easy." Camila admitted, raising her head and pulling back slightly so she was face to face with Lauren completely.

Lauren looked so tired and hurt, but still as beautiful as ever.

"I'm not used to this... The killing." The younger girl began, caressing Lauren's cheek as she brought their foreheads together gently. "See, you and I Lauren, we never got taught how to handle these things. We had to grow up on our own. No family, no alphas and we didn't even have each other then." Camila whispered.

Lauren moved closer to her girlfriend, her eyes fluttering shut. "But we do now. We have each other now." The older girl ran her fingertips along Camila's jaw line.

"And that's never going to change." She stated, whispering completely against Camila's full pink lips.

A few solitary tears ran down Camila's cheek before she closed the tiny gap between the two and captured Lauren's lip in her own. It was only for a few seconds but it made them both feel so safe in each other's arms.

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