Chapter 8

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"I'm going on my own." Lauren explained to the rest of her pack earning a few tilted heads from them. Ally nodded and gestured for her to go ahead and leave as she would be able to take control.

"Thanks Ally." Lauren whispered as she passed her smaller friend. Ally nodded and kissed her friend on the cheek, "Go do it Lauren." Lauren tried to smile back, but her nerves were kicking in. She was actually going to see Camila, well, if she could find her.

Lauren's stepped out of the cave and it was already getting dark. "Shit, I better move fast." Lauren whispered to herself. She took one last look around her before sprinting off into the deep woods, in human form, at least for now.


"I can't find her at all." Lauren sighed and sat down on a nearby tree stump. She had looked through the forest and there was no sign of Camila. Lauren was beginning to think that Camila would be back in her cave but she didn't want to go there. She knew that if she went to Camila, she'd be in big trouble. She wasn't wanted there, ever again.

Lauren rested her head in her hands for a moment to catch her breath as she was panting heavily. She sat in silence for a few minutes until she heard the bushes in front of her rustling. She shot her eyes upwards and averted them to where the noise was coming from. The bush ahead of her was trembling and shaking violently, creating a lot of noise. She quickly got up and walked towards it. She reached a hand out and before she could touch it, it stopped moving.

Lauren breathed a sigh of relief, "Stupid Squirr-"

Before she could finish what she was saying a bolt of white shot out of the bush and disappeared behind her. The wind hit Lauren about two seconds after, pushing her hair back and making her stumble backwards slightly.

It took Lauren a few seconds to recuperate from what had just happened but when she did, she went to sit back down on the tree stump, silence washing over her again.

She didn't really want to think about what could have been in the bush, it kinda creeped her out.

There was definitely something different about the silence now. It wasn't as peaceful as before, it was more... Eerie. Almost like someone was watching her. A bad presence. It sent a shiver down her spine just thinking about it.

Lauren was just about to get up and leave when she felt an icy cold breath on her neck which made her instantly freeze to the spot. "Can you believe it?" the voice whispered onto the side of her neck, "11 years."

Lauren felt her heart bang against her rib cage. She swallowed hard. The ice cold breath was wrapping itself around her neck and she couldn't turn around, she knew who it was by now.

Camila Cabello.

Even though she was searching for the smaller girl most of the night, she never expected to find her.

Shit. C'mon Lauren, don't let her do this to you, she's doing this on purpose. You're alpha. Stand up to her.

Lauren exhaled hard and the half wolf, half human, Camila, noticed this. She was almost kissing Lauren's neck at how close she was to her. But it wasn't intended, she wanted to frighten her, nothing else.

Camila's usually brown eyes were a pale grey as half of her wolf transformation. She had waited 11 years to see and speak to Lauren and now, this was her chance. Maybe she could destroy her dream, right now.

But, surprisingly, Lauren stood up and turned around to face the younger one. Camila immediately stumbled back, not expecting Lauren to be so... Beautiful. But that didn't change a thing right now.

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