Chapter 5

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*Human Mode*


"Mila! Wake up!"

Camila's eyes opened suddenly and her head shot upwards, to find herself sweating extremely. Her breathing was rapid and her pulse was going through the roof. Her heart was racing and her head was spinning, her whole body shaking violently.

"Hey, Mila. It's me! It's me! Calm down... I'm here."

Camila gazed up and met the familiar hazel-brown eyes of her best friend, Dinah. She instantly calmed down and fell back onto her bed, her eyes filling with tears. Dinah immediately knew why. She crawled over to her best friend and lay beside her, trying to comfort her. "Mila.. Did it happen again?" Dinah sighed sadly.

"It always happens. There's not one night where I sleep normally. I keep having the same nightmare. Over and over again. I can't take it anymore." Camila sobbed quietly, allowing the tears to freely roll down her cheekbones. "I can't Dinah.. I-I just can't..."

"I know. I want to help you. I'm here for you. You know I'm always here for you Mila."

Dinah grabbed her best friends hand and rubbed circles onto the back of it.

- Flashback -

"J-Justin?" Camila sobbed. Justin was asleep, again. Who could she talk to now?

Her father had just died and she had just snapped at her best friend, resulting in loosing her. Maybe forever. She wanted to go to Justin. So he could comfort her or something. But he wasn't any help right now, he was asleep.

Camila was left alone. She couldn't do this. She wasn't ready.

Camila made her way out of the cave, rain hitting her head, being absorbed by her snowy white fur. "What happened to you Papi?" Camila thought aloud. She gazed up into the sky, tears falling from her eyes. The sky would have been so beautiful tonight, if it wasn't for the pouring rain and Camila's aching heart. "I don't know what to do anymore.."

Camila gazed down at her muddy and dirty paws, swallowing the constant sharp lump that formed in her throat. She could barely see anything now through the rain and the tears in her eyes. "I just need someone!" She shouted to herself, "I just need to be understood!" Her voice cracked.

"So do I."

Camila froze almost instantly, she hasn't expected anyone to be listening. She stayed in the same position, sitting down, slumped over, frozen to the spot. She felt the presence move closer to her, but at this point, she didn't care who it was. But maybe they could help her? God, she couldn't even help herself...

Slowly the blurred outline of a caramel coloured wolf came into view through Camila's teary eyes. She was young. Camila's age, it looked, only a small pup like herself. But she looked more thick and muscly compared to Camila, who was sometimes considered quite scrawny.

"I know how you feel.. Well," she paused to swallow heavily, "Kinda." She searched for some kind of welcoming from Camila's eyes but she didn't find one. "My name is Dinah."

Camila now came face to face with the wolf pup and she surprisingly seemed nice, unlike most strangers.

"My- name is C-Camila." She smiled faintly at the other wolf, but her heart, however, was still aching.

Dinah smiled back.


A few minutes passed where Camila and Dinah sat in silence, until Camila decided to speak up.

"Thank you Dinah," she spoke, her tone was genuine and it made Dinah smile gently, "I mean it." Her eyes were still glassy from the tears though, "I have no idea where I would be without you."

Dinah smiled widely, her eyes glistening. "I don't know what would have happened if I hadn't found you Chancho." Camila tearily giggled at her little nickname, "Me either Cheechee."

"Now c'mon, cheer up!" Dinah jumped up from her position and grinned at her, "What's out next mission alpha?" She chuckled. Camila furrowed her eyebrows.

She had an idea about what it could be.

"Wake up the others." Camila waved Dinah out the door, "I'll be right out."

The young brunette waited until Dinah had exited the room until she turned on her side and stared at the cave wall. There were so many thoughts rushing through her head, she barely knew where to start.

'My next 'mission'... I need to get rid of my nightmare, but how?'

Camila turned onto her right side.

'Let me recap what happens.'

Camila closed her eyes firmly.

'I'm scared. In this nightmare I'm scared. Terrified. I see my dad in front of me, but I can't move to get to him. I'm frozen to the spot. It's all happening so fast, it's like a blur and an echo and the world is spinning. It's in slow motion yet so sudden. Then Mike strikes at my dad, clawing him across the stomach and marking him, with Clara's help.'

Camila jumped slightly, her nightmare playing again in her head like real life, almost like a memory.

'I close my eyes and wish that it's all over, but I can still hear the cries of my father. His crying, his yelping, his whimpering. It's burning my ears. I find myself crying and screaming. He's dying. And I can't help him. My worst fear. It was coming true. I'm barking furiously, trying to move yet I'm suck. I'm suck in time.

Another scratch across his stomach.'

Another yelp from Camila.

'Another scratch across the legs.'


'Mike digs his claws into my fathers stomach. He howls in pain.'

Sweat dripped from Camila's forehead, but she forced herself to concentrate.

'Then silence. Well, almost silence.'

Camila held her breath, she hated this part.

'It would have been silent if it wasn't for the ringing in my ears. I was so dizzy and I collapse to the floor, so does my father I see. I'm loosing energy, loosing power.. loosing life without him beside me. I'm so weak but I force myself to lift up my head. Mistake.

'Lauren is walking through the clearing. She stops suddenly and looks down at my dad. I notice her. She's smiling ever so faintly and she runs her small but sharp claws over my fathers face, cutting him and covering him in his own fresh blood.

Then she stops to look at me.'

Camila's heart skipped a beat and her breathing increased, like she was running.

'She makes her way over to me, eyes locked on mine. If I could, I'd run. But I couldn't.

"The Jauregui's.." She says, nodding and laughing bitterly at me. She edges closer towards me, she's gonna kill me, she's -'

"It's Lauren." Camila's eyes shot open and adjusted to the light, making her pupils go smaller. Her teeth were gritted and she realised, just then, how she could make her nightmare disappear for good.


"Guys..." Camila announces and scans over her pack of six; Dinah, Justin, Tyler, Perrie, Dylan and Shay. Immediately, they all turn to her and pay her full attention.

"Our next problem that we have..." She announced and side glanced at Dinah.

"Is the Jauregui pack."

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