Chapter 22

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"Dinah? Camila?" Normani stared out of her cave and into the faces of her two familiar friends. It was early morning and the dark skinned girl had woken up by the sound of two females talking loudly from outside, only now she saw that it was Camila and Dinah. "What's brought you here so early?" She asked, rubbing her eyes tiredly. Camila turned her head to look at Dinah, her friend nodded before she could continue, "We came for Lauren. I need to tell her something important."

"Oh okay, I'm pretty sure she's still asleep. But you know, just go in and wake her up." Normani motioned for the two girls to join her in the cave and they followed. Camila entered first, smiling at Normani as she passed and Dinah followed, hugging her mate lovingly. She had missed being away from her. Normani reciprocated the hug almost immediately.

"Alright you two, I'm going to wake Lauren up. Stay here and I'll meet you again later." Camila explained, Dinah nodded, pulling away from Normani but still holding her hips. Then Camila disappeared, entering Lauren's room and leaving the two mates behind to catch up.

"Lauren?" Camila whispered as she entered Lauren's room. Camila hadn't seen this room in so long, it was big, spacious and brought back some good memories. The smaller brunette had to bite her lip to stop her from gasping. The walls were filled with Lauren's handwriting scribed into it, quoting inspirational things and words that meant alot to her. Intrigued, the brown eyed girl began walking along the walls, running her fingers over the letters that Lauren had once imprinted there. She read as she went along, most were poetic but there were a few names and words that Camila spotted.

Then, she stopped when she saw something. A name. It had been crossed out multiple times so it was barely readable. Camila furrowed her eyebrows and leant closer to the wall, squinting to try and make out the writing. 'Camz' she whispered to herself in shock. Lauren had wrote this when they were little, she must have crossed it out when they had fallen out.

The younger girl felt her throat become tighter and tears sting in her eyes but she refused to let them escape. Instead, she swallowed them down heavily.

There was a quote next to the name, also scribed into the wall, Camila noticed.

It read:
'I loved her. She was the one. I knew it for sure. Something inside of me knew and we both didn't realise. But time changes things, time heals. Time had healed me, healed her. Healed us. And here we are now.'

Camila read quietly out loud, analysing every single word and flicked letter from Lauren's handwriting. This was so beautiful and Camila couldn't help but think it was about her and Lauren's relationship. And it was. At the bottom it had Camz rewritten with a heart circled around it. Reading these words again, knowing they were about her, made the smaller ones heart skip a beat. Lauren was so beautiful, inside and out.

"Camz?" Camila heard an innocent voice from behind her. She spun around to face her messy raven-haired mate, sprawled out in her bed, her emerald eyes just visibly sparkling from behind the gray pillow.

Camila instantly felt her breath catch in her throat, Lauren has to be the best piece of artwork ever created. "Morning Lo." Camila smiled, her pearl white teeth almost to bright for Lauren's eyes to adjust to first thing in the morning.

"Come here." Lauren rasped, even more raspy than usual, due to the time of day and her tiredness. Camila walked up to Lauren's bed and sat herself down in front of the green eyed girl, smiling to herself contently. She was surprised when she felt Lauren's arm lazily snake around her waist and pull her down so she was also lying on the bed, next to her mate.

Lauren's arm tightened around Camila's waist protectively, not wanting to let go anytime soon. Camila grinned when she noticed Lauren wrapping her leg around her own and burying her face in the back of her own brown locks of hair. She could stay like this forever. But unfortunately, they have work to take care of. Or more like 'Austin' to take care of.

"Listen Lo." Camila whispered so only them two could here. "I came here to tell you something it's quite imp-"

"Please baby." Lauren whined like a child, "I just wanna cuddle with you right now." She yawned noticeably and Camila couldn't help the smile that tugged at her lips and plastered her face. She couldn't resist Lauren, alpha or not, Lauren was her weak spot.

"Sure. Of course beautiful. We'll talk after." She chuckled gently and fluttered her eyes shut.

Soon she heard soft and graceful snores from behind her and felt Lauren's warm breath against her hair, there was no better feeling, it sent shivers all over her body.

"God, how I love this girl." Camila sighed, curling into a ball slightly with Lauren's arms still wrapped around her.

As long as Camila had Lauren, things were gonna be okay. They always were.


Sorry I haven't updated in a while but here you go!

OMG guys! This fic has got 12k views and counting, tysm!

Your comments and support is amazing so I thank you.

I've also made a new fic, it's called 'ask her' and it's mostly 5h/camren texting so check it out if you're into that. It's mainly for fun, not serious.

Anywayyyy ily ! <3

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