Chapter 21

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"Damn Mila. You and Lauren..." Dinah chuckled and then smiled genuinely at her best friend, "You're getting on so well."

"I know, it's like nothing happened between us. Thank god." Camila sighed happily as herself and Dinah entered the cave, having said their goodbyes to Lauren beforehand. Camila couldn't wipe the foolish smile from her lips as she walked into the cave with Dinah following. She was so happy. She didn't think that anything could ruin this moment right now.

But of course she was wrong.

Dinah patted Camila on the head before smiling and going to bed. The small brunette stood in the middle of the empty cave, reciting her full day over and over in her head. What a day. She didn't even know how long she stood there for until she felt someone's hand on her shoulder. Quickly spinning around, she was met with the worried expression of her older friend Justin.

"Hey are you alright?" Camila asked cautiously, noticing the new and fresh scars on Justin's face. He froze before shaking his head. Camila's heart stopped, she had never seen Justin look so worried and scared before. It instantly made her panic. She flicked her head from left to right, scanning the area to see if they were alone. They were. "What's happened?" Camila squeaked.

Justin grabbed Camila's hand and began leading her into his room, closing the door behind them both. The small brunette ran a hand through her hair and gulped, "what's happened?" She repeated, this time with a little more confidence than before. Justin turned around to face his younger alpha, fear filling his eyes. "Justin tell me-"

"I think I know who killed Alejandro."

Camila's heart dropped and her whole mouth turned dry. She thought her knees were about to give way, she felt like she had just been hit and her whole body was weak. Camila opened her mouth to say something but nothing came out, she wasn't even sure if she was breathing. Justin sensed her sadness so he ran up to her, tackling her in a huge hug. Sobs escaped from Camila's mouth and tears streamed down her face as she buried her head into Justin's neck. She allowed her legs to give way so she fell to the floor, Justin guiding her so that he was too, on his knees, still holding Camila tightly.

The blonde haired boy also felt tears form in his eyes as he noticed Camila holding onto his back desperately. He turned his head and kissed the smaller girl apologetically on her wet cheek. They stayed like that for a while until Camila's sobbing eventually died down.

"H-how do you know about this?" Camila mumbled almost inaudibly against Justin's neck. He took a deep breath, grabbed Camila's shoulders and leant backwards so he could meet her eyes.

"Do you ever wonder why I always have all of these injuries Camila?" Justin asked, rubbing her shoulders comfortingly. Camila nodded. Justin gulped, "Well I've always played it cool but really, I fight. When I met this guy in the woods, full human, dirty blonde, he told me he was a hunter and so, we started talking. He told me about how he nearly got killed from a big and strong male wolf but he shot it in the stomach as well as another female and male wolf. The descriptions he gave were exactly like Alejandro, Mike and Clara. They were identical and I knew it was no coincidence. So I turned on him and snapped. We've been fighting ever since then, so about 9 years." Camila wiped her red eyes and smiled sincerely at Justin. "I should have told you sooner, but we weren't strong enough to go to war with him then."

"What do you mean, we weren't strong enough?" Camila asked, confused. Justin sighed, "I didn't want to worry the whole pack but now, we have the Jauregui's as allies. They can help." Camila nodded slowly in realisation and agreement. "I'm gonna make this son of a bitch wish he was never born." She growled through gritted teeth.

"So am I Mila. But he is dangerous, that's why we need as many and as much help as we can get." Justin stated, beginning to stand up, Camila following. The smaller girl hugged Justin once again, "Don't worry, I'll speak to Lauren about this in the morning."

The brunette thanked Justin and made her way over to the door. She was gonna make this boy pay for what he had done to her and Lauren's pack. She couldn't wait to get her hands on him. The little shit. Anger built up inside Camila, she thought she was about to explode already. This guy had caused so much pain in her lifetime and she wanted him dead, or at least gone. But she then remembered that she didn't ask a very important question. "What's this guys name?" Camila asked Justin with a very blank and unreadable expression on her face.

Justin furrowed his eyebrows and tried to think, "Oh- I think it was something like..." He scratched the back of his neck and then it came to him.

"His name is Austin."


Okay so, Dorito is 31 years old in this fic...

Sorry about the shortish chapters, and I may not be writing as much lately cause of school and stuff but I won't delay for too long only like a few days so don't worry about it! :)

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