Chapter 16

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*Wolf Mode*

"Mila, over there." Dinah whispered, nudging the smaller white wolf beside her. Camila adjusted her head and looked through the gap in the bushes. Dinah was stalking a deer, spotted in the clearing.

"Okay, I'll get behind, you go in front. When I signal, we strike." Camila clarified, looking at her muscly friend for signs.

"Got it." Dinah agreed, whipping her head to the right to nod at her friend. Camila rose from her sitting position and stood on all fours, turning her back to Dinah and slowly creeping off into the woods. She needed to get around and behind the deer.

Slowly and stealthily, the white alpha crept through the trees, never loosing sight of the deer. Camila reached the opposite end of the woods, and got into position, ready to give Dinah the signal. She spotted her caramel haired friend through the trees and they instantly made eye contact.

"Okay..." Camila exhaled to herself, "three..."

"Two..." Dinah whispered, in sync with her alpha friend.

"One- What the.." Camila stumbled backwards as a flash of black and brown hit the deer at an amazing speed from the same angle. Dinah's eyes widened just as she was about to jump out and attack.

Someone had stolen their meal.

Camila pounced out into the clearing, where the deer once stood, followed by Dinah. "Who the fuck do you think you are?!" Dinah growled and gazed down at the two wolves slumped over the now dead deer. The two mysterious wolves, one black and one brown, raised their heads and turned to face Dinah and Camila.

"Lauren?!" Camila gasped, noticing the black fur and enticing green eyes of the wolf that faced her.

"Normani?!" Dinah whispered, remembering the face of her mate and how striking her features were.

Lauren's and Normani's eyes widened simultaneously, noticing both of their mates stood in front of them.

"Shit." Lauren cursed, earning all eyes from the other three wolves, an awkward smile from Camila.

Lauren and Camila were mates which Dinah and Normani had no clue about. The pair had experienced something very intimate earlier today and they had learnt to accept each other's fate. Their fate, together. Camila was staring at Lauren, at something in particular, the cut on her lower lip. It was barely visible as she was in wolf form, but Camila could still see the mark that she had made.

Normani and Dinah, on the other hand, were gazing at each other, shocked. They were mates and neither Camila or Lauren knew. What would they say?

"I'm sorry..." Dinah began, "I didn't realise that it was you guys." She cleared her throat nervously, and looked up to see Normani smiling at her supportively.

"You know her?" Camila asked Dinah, noticing how her and Normani were smiling at each obliviously. Dinah instantly shot her head to look at her friend, gulping sharply.

"Yes... Actually." Dinah began. Normani turned to face a very confused looking Lauren, and cringed at how she was looking at her. Camila frowned but kept her mouth shut, waiting for Dinah to explain. "I met her, not long ago." She announced truthfully, staring into Camila's eyes.

"We're mates." Normani interrupted abruptly. Lauren and Camila's jaw dropped and Dinah glanced at her paws.

"Yeah... What she said.." Dinah sighed as the brown haired wolf, Normani, went and positioned herself next to her mate. Lauren and Camila eyed the two of them, expressionless.

"Normani, why did you tell me?" Lauren asked, disappointed.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Camila clarified, informing Lauren subtly that she didn't know about the two either. Normani and Dinah exchanged a glance before the caramel wolf spoke, "Mila. I got so caught up in everything. I was going to tell you after the night me and Normani met but things just happened too quickly and next minute Lauren was at our cave wanting Jade back. I forgot to say. You've had enough on your mind recently..." Dinah explained. Normani nodded in agreement, "It's the same with me Lauren."

Lauren and Camila couldn't help but feel guilty. All they had thought about was themselves and they never considered what might be going on with their best friends. "I'm sorry guys." Lauren apologised. Camila on the other hand, kept her guilt on the inside, "What does this mean for our packs?"

"Shit yeah..." Lauren gasped in shock.

"What do you mean?" Dinah swallowed nervously. Her heart was beating so fast.

"It's the rule of the pack. When there are two mates from two separate packs, the alphas of the packs can't physically keep them apart. They have to either: exchange members or both alphas have to fight for leader. Fight to the death..." Lauren's voice trailed off and she was suddenly struck with realisation and the danger of what this situation could get them into. Camila felt it too.

"What's happening then?" Normani's voice trembled, Dinah noticed and placed her warm paw over her mates shaky one.

Lauren stammered. "D-don't worry... It's gonna be okay-"

"It's not though, is it?!" Camila snapped unexpectedly, Lauren was taken aback, as well as Normani and Dinah. "There's nothing we can do. What the fuck have we gotten ourselves into?!"

"Camila.. calm down." Lauren stuttered.

"No Lauren. I can't! This situation is a life and death situation. Between me and you! Cause, fun fact, me and you are the alphas!" Camila stated sarcastically, "unless you think of some sort of miracle, there's nothing we can do..." The black wolf saw a hint of sadness in the smaller wolves eyes. Dinah and Normani both lowered their heads, not wanting to argue or interrupt with their two leaders.

"Okay... But, we both know that we can't keep them apart for long. We are gonna have to do something about it sooner or later." Lauren whispered, never breaking eye contact with her mate. "I'm sorry but... we know that."

Lauren thought she saw a tear form in the corner of Camila's eye before the smaller one turned her head away, "Whatever." Camila paused, fighting tears, "C'mon Dinah. We gotta go." She spoke almost inaudibly. Dinah smiled at Normani apologetically but followed her alpha, without arguing.

As Camila passed, she avoided any contact with Lauren, she couldn't even look at her, "Keep the deer." Her voice cracked slightly and it was filled with a mixture of angst and sadness.

Before Lauren could say anything more, Camila and Dinah were gone, leaving the two very confused and sad wolves behind them.

"Just when things were making sense." Lauren sighed, dropping her head in defeat.

But to Normani and Dinah, things weren't making sense at all...


Thanks for all the support! <3

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