Chapter 15

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After walking ever so slowly, Lauren reached the cave, finally. She was immediately greeted by her small friend, Ally.

"Oh my God Lauren! Are you okay?" Ally ran to the green eyed girl, worry filling her eyes. Lauren stopped in her tracks as the smaller girl grabbed her arm. Lauren frowned, confused.

"You're shoulders bleeding." Ally gasped.

"Oh yeah." Lauren whispered.

"And you're lip..."

"Oh yeah."

Ally scanned the younger girl, walking behind her. "Take your shirt off." She stated suddenly.

"Oh- wait what?!" Lauren shook her head, releasing herself from the daze that she was in and turned to face Ally, "Why would I take my shirt off?" She asked.

"Lauren. Your lower back is bleeding and it's all scratched." Ally replied, caution in her voice. Lauren's eyes widened.

Jesus, Camila is rough...

"Are you okay?" Ally asked, turning her head to the side in confusion. Lauren nodded, but Ally was waiting for a real answer.

"Yes Ally. I'm fine." Lauren implied, licking her lower throbbing lip, Camila's taste still present.

"Care to tell me why you're bleeding then?" The smaller girl raised her eyebrows, suspiciously. Lauren smiled faintly, remembering why she was actually bleeding but she soon wiped it off her mouth when she met Ally's eyes.

"I was attacked." Lauren tried, technically she wasn't wrong. It was unexpected and very rough so, where was the lie?

"By Camila?!" Ally asked in shock. Lauren nodded briefly.

"By biting... Oh and she scratched my lower back... That would explain why it's bleeding." Lauren rubbed the back of her neck awkwardly. Ally wasn't to convinced about all of this and Lauren knew that she would soon put it all together.

"I'm going to the waterfall for a shower. I'll talk to you later." Lauren smiled and quickly began walking off, behind the cave.

"Wait... How is your lip bleeding if she was biting?" Ally called after her. Lauren froze and turned her head to face the smaller girl again. She'd figured it out.

Lauren winked suggestively in Ally's direction before running off.

Ally stood alone, her eyes widening in realisation at what Lauren was implying.

"Well I'll be damned..." Ally whispered in complete shock.


"Hey Mila, you okay?" Perrie asked as Camila entered the cave.

"I'm good Perrie." She smiled, "where's Dinah?"

Perrie pointed to the room in which Dinah was in and Camila thanked her, before hurrying into the room.

"Dinah." Camila panted as she entered the room. The caramel haired girl spun around quickly to face her best friend.

"Mila! How are you? Are you okay?" Dinah asked, concerned but happy to see no visible injuries on her smaller friend. Camila nodded vigorously. "I need to tell you something about my dad, and Lauren's parents..."


"Oh my god Camila." Dinah whispered when Camila finished telling her about the recording that she had listened to, about her father. "How did Lauren take all of this?" The Polynesian asked, curiously.

"I don't know honestly." Camila lied, she couldn't tell Dinah about her and Lauren's heated make out session just yet. "She didn't say, she just walked off..."

"Oh, I'm sorry Mila." Dinah apologised sincerely, smiling softly. Camila reciprocated her gentle smile and suddenly, a thought popped into her head.

"How about we go out hunting tonight?"

"Yes! We haven't been out for a while with just us two!" Dinah cheered, jumping up and down on the spot, clearly excited. Camila watched her, grinning widely, "Okay then."


"Hey Mani." Lauren rasped, drying her wet hair with a towel as she entered her friends room. Normani turned to meet her friend, smiling instantly.

"Oh god! What happened to you?" Normani noticed Lauren's bloody lip and marked shoulder and ran over to her, worried.

"Hey, look at me." Lauren smiled, searching for her friends eyes. Normani gazed up into Lauren's emerald orbs and saw them glisten happily. "I'm fine." Lauren finished, convincing Normani immediently. The dark skinned girl scanned her friend before slowly backing away.

"Okay, I won't even ask." Normani raised her hands, pretending to surrender. This earned a slight giggle from Lauren. "Yeah... Don't." She chuckled.

"Has Ally seen you?" Normani asked, "I bet you'd tell her." Lauren started laughing silently whilst Normani frowned, "Yeah... I'm kinda avoiding her right now."

"What? Why?" Normani tilted her head to the side, confusion plastered over all of her features.

"She knows things..." Lauren said, in a narrators voice, causing Normani to punch her on the arm as she sniggered playfully. "Whatever." Normani stuck her tongue out.

Lauren the heavy towel that she was drying her hair with at Normani and flipped her wet locks over her shoulder, running her hand through it them she always did. "Hey, shall we go hunting tonight?" Lauren asked, realising that she barely spent anytime with Normani anymore.

"Sure thang." Normani answered turning around swiftly and throwing the damp towel back in Lauren's direction, hitting her directly in the face.

Lauren pulled the towel slowly down from her face, her hair all messily sprawled across her face. "Really?" She asked sarcastically, blowing her hair out of her eyes, Normani laughing hysterically to herself.

"Get ready, loser." The green eyed girl exited the room, trailing the towel along the floor, her dark locks of hair hanging loosely over her shoulder.


This is just a short chapter filler I guess :p

Thank you for all your lovely feedback :)

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