Chapter 10

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A day had passed. Lauren was still confused about Camila and her pack. She wanted to do something about it, but she knew that Camila was acting strangely different recently. Maybe Camila was on the verge of snapping and one thing could push her over the edge. Lauren didn't want to be that thing.

"Mani?" Lauren asked, tapping the girl lightly on the shoulder. Normani turned to face her.

"Can I speak to you?"

Normani nodded and Lauren grabbed her hand, pulling her into her room.

"Basically, it's about the Cabello pack." Lauren explained, Normani rolled her eyes and began to speak but Lauren cut her off, "before you say anything, I can't stop thinking them-"

"You mean Camila." Normani interrupted. Lauren shrugged, "She's acting differently and I need to find out why and what their pack is planning on doing to our pack. But I need help." Normani folded her arms, "I'm listening."

Lauren led Normani over to her bed and they both sat down on the edge of it. "What are you thinking?" Normani wondered, watching Lauren, who was obviously deep in thought.

"Can you do something for me?" The green eyed girl requested, looking at Normani hopefully. She nodded, not even knowing what it was but she was willing to do anything for her alpha friend.

"Okay. I need you to look out for Camila and her pack. I need you and someone else to go into the forest and see if you can find anyone of the Cabello pack. I need you to find out anything that involves us." Lauren paused, "I would go... But I can't risk -"

"It's fine Lauren. Of course I will." Normani reassured the other girl and smiled softly. "I'll go right now in fact." Normani stood up to leave but Lauren grabbed her hand, making her turn around, "You can't go alone."

"I won't, I'll take Ally." Normani smiled but Lauren shook her head, "Not Ally." The dark skinned girl frowned, clearly confused. "Ally is busy, I need her here." Lauren explained.

"Oh. Okay, I'll take Jade then, it won't be a big deal, I'll see you later." Normani wrapped her arms around the raven haired girl and when they pulled away, she smiled before exiting the room.

Lauren sighed anxiously, sat down and fell back onto her bed.


*Wolf Mode*

"Jade?" Normani whispered loudly. It was getting dark and the two wolves were out in the forest, looking for any sign of the Cabello pack.

"No sign of anyone." Jade, the redish coloured wolf, reappeared from the trees and padded slowly towards Normani, the brown coloured wolf. Normani sat down on the gravelly floor and sniffed the air. "You're right, there doesn't seem to be anyone out right now, let alone the Cabello pack." Jade nodded her head in agreement.

"I'll go look. You wait here, I won't go far." Normani said, standing up on all fours. "Okay, but don't be too long." Jade agreed and lay down on the floor, watching Normani disappear into the forest.

Normani set off, running as fast as she could, passing trees every second at a blurry fast speed. She searched around her for any signs that could be another wolf but she found none. She didn't want to head off too deep into the forest so she only went so far, before turning back.

"I guess I'll turn back now." Normani sighed and hung her head low. She began slowly walking back the way she came.

She wasn't paying attention when she hit something in front of her and fell backwards.

"Who are you?"

Normani swung her head upwards to see a muscly caramel coloured wolf, blocking her path. "Sorry I-"

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