Chapter 18

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A panting and out of breath human form Lauren, reached the Cabello cave, the orange sun gradually setting. No-one was outside of the cave, they must all be in there already. Lauren slowly padded her way over to the door and knocked.

This was all too familiar in Lauren's head. Her going to the Cabello cave, on her own, only to be greeted by a very violent and upset Camila.

Let's hope it won't be the same this time.

Lauren gulped and waited impatiently for someone to come to the cave entrance. She lowered her head and stared at her fingers, which she was mindlessly playing with out of nervous habit.


"Hi Lauren." Lauren's head shot up and met the calm chocolate eyes of her mate, Camila. Camila was her mate.

"Hi Camila." She reciprocated, smiling gently. The smaller girl looked around her, scanning the inner cave surroundings before stepping out of the door to join Lauren outside.

"What are you doing here?" Camila whispered, hands behind her back. Lauren admired what the younger girl was wearing, a tight white turtle neck t-shirt and a grey denim jacket hanging loosely around it. She looked effortlessly beautiful.

"I need to talk to you, we need to sort this whole 'alpha mate' thing out." Lauren stated, Camila's eyebrows raised slightly, "Okay." She whispered.

"Okay so-"

"No. Not here." Camila interrupted, grabbing Lauren's white shirt at the waist. Lauren stopped speaking immediently and stared down at the younger girl. Camila looked up at her green eyed mate and smiled widely before dragging her behind the cave, where there were more trees.

Camila released Lauren's shirt when they came to a huge nearby rock that was lying on the floor. The smaller girl went and sat down on the rock, Lauren noted and went to sit next to her but slightly behind.

"So what's on your mind." Camila asked calmly, placing her head in her hands and staring out into the green forest in front of her. Lauren however, had a better view, Camila. "I've had a lot on my mind recently." Lauren began, surprised that Camila was actually taking this all very well.

"When me and Normani arrived back at the cave, Ally, my best friend, wanted to talk to me about.. Us." Camila's head lifted out of her hands slowly and she turned her head to the side so she was side eyeing Lauren over her shoulder. "She knows?" Her voice trembled slightly and Lauren moved closer to the girl, nodding.

"Yeah, she knows. But she gave me some advice, it could save our packs Camila." Lauren paused and dropped her eyes to Camila's pink lips, "It could save us."

Camila had now fully turned her head so she was facing Lauren, noticing how the green eyed girl was obliviously staring at her lips. She too, dropped her gaze to Lauren's scarred lips and a smirk coloured her face.

"How can we save us Lauren?" Camila broke the silence and her voice was almost pleading, "Please. Tell me." Lauren exhaled hard and noticed how Camila closed her eyes, her breathing pattern matching her own.

"We don't have to fight." Lauren whispered, Camila thought she could feel the older girls breath on her own lips. "What? How?" Camila asked, her eyes opening to notice how Lauren was admiring her features subtly.

"We can't keep mates away from each other... It's the rule. So if we go into battle and fight to the death, one of us will die, meaning that we won't be with our mate anymore..." Lauren explained, never looking away from the small girl. Camila smiled gently, taking in Lauren's words and realising what they meant. She scanned over the taller girl and noticed that her arms had goosebumps all over them; she was cold.

"Here." Camila offered, taking off her denim jacket and handing it to Lauren. The green eyed girl looked at the jacket before taking it and placing it back over the young girl again. Camila moved forward as Lauren wrapped it back around her, their foreheads almost touching.

"I'm okay, but thank you Camz." The nickname just naturally rolled off Lauren's tongue.

Camila parted her lips slightly and exhaled at the sound of the familiar nick name. She hadn't heard that for 11 years. She missed it, more than she realised. The chocolate eyed girl gazed into Lauren's emerald orbs, meeting them with a sense of comfort. She smiled and Lauren reciprocated.

Camila couldn't do this anymore. She placed her hands on Lauren's jawline and moved closer, closing her eyes as she felt her mates soft lips against her own. When she pulled away her heart leaped in her chest at the sincerity of the kiss. It was so gentle and soft, like it meant something. Not like when she just attacked Lauren before for the fun of it. Yes, it was fun.

When Camila opened her eyes she was met with a very surprised Lauren, but she was smiling to herself. Camila couldn't help but giggle and it was music to the older girls ears.

"So, have we worked things out?" Lauren asked, biting her lower lip awkwardly. Camila lowered her gaze to watch Lauren's lip biting before smirking, "I think we have Lo."



Things were like the way they used to be, but possibly even better. Lauren was filled with a warmth that only Camila could bring. Camila's broken heart was slowly, piece by piece, being glued together by Lauren. This could all work out, they could go back to the way things were...

Lauren leant forward to take the smaller girls lips in her own again, heading for the bottom lip. As Lauren controlled it, Camila found herself smiling into the kiss. The green eyed girl pulled back slowly, and smiled widely but genuinely at her mate.

"I couldn't fight you, even if we had too."


Yay, a fluffy chapter!

Hope you guys are enjoying this fic, I've also decided that I will write that other one after I've finished this, that will be called 'Bad Influence' so I'll let you know when I begin writing that!

Thank you for all of the comments, I love them :)

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