Chapter 9

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I'm so fucking confused.

Why did my vision have to appear when Lauren was right in front of me?

She saw me as vulnerable, she saw my weaker side.

But wait... She didn't take advantage of me? Why didn't she fight me at my weakest? Why did she help me?!

"Fuck sake." Camila whispered under her breath as she entered the cave for the night. Shay, who was near, heard Camila curse as she stormed passed her.

"Mila!" Shay ran after her and followed Camila into her room. "Wait."

Camila held open the door for Shay but closed it straight after she was in the room. "What?" Camila asked sternly. Shay walked over to Camila and looked her seriously in the eyes.

"You're honestly asking what?" Shay chuckled, "Camila I noticed you swearing and you look like you've been in a fight or just seen a ghost." Camila ran a frustrated hand through her dark brown hair. "I have." Shay's eyes widened slightly and she raised her eyebrows in shock. "You've what?!"

"I basically have just seen a ghost." Camila sighed and sat down on the sculpted piece of rock that was next to her. Shay followed and stood up beside her. "I've just seen Jauregui." Camila stated.

"Well shit." Shay nodded her head, laughing quietly. Camila frowned. "Sorry." Shay apologised and looked down at the cave floor quite embarrassed. "Well, have you spoke to Tyler about this yet?" She asked, changing the subject. Camila looked at her with a confused look on her face. "Why would I speak to Tyler about this?"

"Cause he likes you." Shay simply stated, biting one of her nails casually. "Yes I know Shay. But what's that got to do with anything right now?" Camila asked, even more confused now.

"Cause you like Lauren." Shay shrugged nonchalantly. Camila almost choked on air and she broke out into a dramatic coughing fit. "What the fuck Shay!"

"What!? I can tell when someone likes a girl and this is so obvious!"

"Look, just because you and that weird, stray wolf Sasha are mates... Does not mean Lauren and I are! I don't like her in that way. I'm not even sure if I like her at all." Camila shouted, biting her lip. Shay moved towards the door, "she's not weird and, I love her."

Camila nodded understandingly, she knew Shay and Sasha were mates and it didn't bother her one bit, in fact, she thought they were cute together.

When Shay reached Camila's door, she spun on her heels and smirked in her direction.

"What?" Camila scoffed half heartily.

"Oh Mila. You are so in denial. Whatever way it is, you definitely like that Jauregui girl."

"No I don't!" Camila shouted and threw a nearby pillow towards Shay, but before it could hit her, the door closed.

Oh my god. Camila thought as she slumped over and placed her head into her hands, annoyed. Why can't anyone understand me?

I don't like Lauren...


"Did you see Cabello?" Grant ran over to Lauren when she re-entered the cave later on. Lauren simply nodded.

Grant furrowed his eyebrows, "So? Is everything alright?" He asked. Lauren simply nodded again. Grant laughed slightly, "So? Are you not going to speak to me?" Lauren widened her eyes when she realised.

"Oh," she giggled softly, "I was just thinking. Sorry Grant." She paused before continuing. "Yeah I saw her, she seemed different." Lauren explained, shaking her head slowly at the memory. Lauren's eyes stared outwards, looking at nothing in particular. Grant met her gaze, "Different? In a good way?"

"No, just different. I don't know whether it was for better or for worse but she didn't fight me so that's a good thing I guess..." Lauren's voice trailed off into the distance. She couldn't figure it out at all. Why did Camila break down? Is there something I don't know about her? Well probably... I haven't spoke to her for 11 fucking years..

Grant nodded in disappointment.

"I get it." He sighed, "But do you know what's sad?" Lauren saw his expression change to upset.

"What?" Lauren asked calmly. Grant lowered his head, "I kinda liked the Cabello pack."

Lauren's head lowered, following Grant's gaze, "So did I Grant."

So did I...

Another filler I guess :p But we are about 2/3 chapters away from getting some answers! So bare with me, I'll make it better I promise!

Keep leaving your feedback, I read and love it all and it helps motivate me to write more often!

Question - Do you guys ship Norminah??

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