Chapter 32

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a/n : sorry if this is bad...

warning - smut (basically)

"I don't know what you mean Lauren..." Camila smirked slightly, shamelessly and slowly eyeing her frustrated girlfriends body from head to toe and back again.

Lauren's eyes stared at Camila's face intimidatingly, her hair messy and one strand of it stuck to her lip. She was panting heavily, clearly Camila had a huge effect on her. The older girl didn't understand how Camila was so casual, so chill, did she care?

Lauren's wolf instincts piled up onto over drive. Her emotions had built up over the past few days, as she hadn't taken the form lately, so right now, aggression took over her.

The green eyed girl placed her hand onto Camila's chin and pulled it up instantly, so that they were making direct eye contact. She leaned down sensually and stared her mate in the eyes for a few more seconds. As she did so, Camila saw Lauren's emerald orbs flash an illuminous green, like they did when they found out they were mates.

"Always knew that I was the dominant one." Lauren smiled cockily as she realised what had just been exchanged between the pair. Camila gulped heavily when she saw her girlfriend move even closer, so their foreheads were almost touching, both staring at each other's lips now.

Lauren could feel the small brunettes warm breath on her bottom lip which made her teasingly take her own lip between her teeth and growl lowly. Camila became even more flustered by hearing the growl made from her girlfriend and couldn't stand the torture of not having Lauren's lips against her own. So she leapt forward. But before their lips could touch, Lauren moved back slightly, wearing a smirk. What a fucking tease.

Camila made a frustrated sighing noise and dropped her arms by her side, almost like she had been defeated.

"It's frustrating right?" The younger one heard her girlfriend say in a low, sensual tone. She looked up to see Lauren with the same expression on her face that matched her tone of voice. Camila thought she might pass out there and then, but before she could, Lauren continued.

"It's frustrating. Being teased like that right?" Lauren began taking steps forward towards the girl again, who was still sitting closed legged, on the edge of her bed. Camila nodded dryly, she almost felt like she was being told off.

"It's frustrating when you want something for yourself but the other person doesn't give it you right?" Lauren asked again, this time placing her hands firmly down beside Camila on her bed. She hovered over Camila so intimidatingly, and trapped her as their heads were almost touching if Camila looked up just enough.

"When you want to kiss someone..." Lauren quickly and messily pressed her lips onto Camila's slightly parted ones, too quickly for Camila to even reciprocate. The smaller girl released a quiet frustrated moan from her lips when Lauren roughly pulled hers away.

She wanted more.

Lauren noticed Camila's need slowly building up and smiled devilishly to herself.

"It's frustrating isn't it?" Lauren repeated, earning a very quick nod from Camila this time.

"It's..." Lauren whispered down Camila's neck, giving her instant goosebumps, "frustrating..." She growled, slamming her hands onto Camila's bare outer thighs and pressing her lips into her neck at the same time. "When you feel yourself building up."

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