Chapter 29

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The walk back to the cave was quiet. Camila hadn't said a word, and Lauren was going over all of the events that happened today, thinking of what they would need to do to Austin. Everyone else, was either confused or angry, but still, no one spoke a word.

Then they reached the cave, where they knew Dinah, Normani and Ally would be waiting for them all.

As everyone piled back into the cave, Tyler and Colton dragging Austin inside aswell, Lauren quickly grabbed the small wrist of her girlfriend and pulled her aside. Camila spun around, facing Lauren, her chocolate eyes filled with sorrow.

"Hey." Lauren spoke softly, trying to comfort the smaller girl. "Are you okay?" She continued hesitantly.

Camila nodded her head, somewhat unsure with her answer.

The green eyed girl tried to look her girlfriend directly in her eyes but instead, Camila avoided Lauren's emerald orbs and gazed down at the floor. This wasn't like the small brunette at all, Austin had hurt her, emotionally and mentally. Lauren clenched her jaw, furious towards the dirty blonde man for his actions.

"Babe..." Lauren began but was quickly interrupted by Justin who had jogged outside to find the two.

"We need you both inside, right now." Justin explained, "we are going to decide on Austin's punishment and, well, we need the alphas."

Lauren smiled faintly and nodded her head in understanding, whereas Camila, pushed her way forcefully out of Lauren's grasp. Lauren fell a few steps back in response to Camila's violent push.

"Alpha." The small brunette mumbled slightly under her breath, "Lauren is the only alpha."

With that, she stumbled inside, head down and avoiding eye contact with Justin and Lauren. She looked insecure, vulnerable, disappointed in herself. She didn't understand but, none of this was her fault, she couldn't control Austin, she couldn't control his actions, he is just a disgusting man with a messed up mindset.

The blonde haired boy watched Camila found her way inside before turning to face Lauren, a worried look spread across his features.

"Did something happen between you two?" Justin asked cautiously. Lauren shook her head slowly, dumbfounded by what had just happened between herself and her girlfriend. Deep within her emerald orbs there was fear and sadness, a lot of it.

"Hey don't worry, let's sort Austin out first, Camila is going no where right now." Lauren continued, trying to sound confident. She needed to be confident, for Camila. So, with that, the pair entered the cave following shortly behind Camila, ready to decide Austin's fate.

"Hey Lauren. Dinah, Normani and I have been briefly informed on what happened." Ally greeted the green eyed girl as she entered. Lauren nodded subtly as Ally tackled her best friend in a somewhat comforting hug.

"Thank you Ally." Lauren sighed sadly, "Where did Camz go?"

"She's in her room. We tried to say something to her as she came in but she's not answering to any of us. Dinah's in there now, trying to talk to her." Ally lowered head, signifying obvious sadness to the taller girl.

Lauren sighed in response, "I'll go in afterwards. But first... Austin."


"Mila please talk to me."

From inside Camila's room, Dinah was begging her smaller best friend to talk to her about the whole situation but Camila wasn't having any of it. She still hadn't said a word.

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