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Hey babes!
I started this book off in 2016 but revamped it & am working on it now  & am really excited where it is going!

Enjoy! & thank you to all my followers who have been here since the beginning!


It was September 1st when they were back on the Hogwarts Express after what had felt like eternity. After the war and everything that had been going on, everyone was ecstatic to be going back. While everyone wondered who would be coming back and how the houses would interact, specifically Slytherin, they were overjoyed nonetheless.

Looking around at her friends sitting in their usual compartment together, Hermione can't help but smile as she remembers how happy they were when their letters arrived. They had all been together at the burrow; the boys flying on their brooms, the girls watching them while laughing at their trash talking. A day she would never forget.

" Ronald, if you fall off of that broom, I swear to Merlin I'm not healing you."

" Hermione, I'm not going to fall of-"

Just then Ron gets hit by Harry and falls down to the ground with a loud bang, causing a laughing fit from everyone including Mrs. Weasley.

" Blimey Harry what the bloody hell was that for?!"

"Come on Ron you can't take a hit."

" Oi, the Hogwarts letters have come in. Come Come!" Mrs.Weasley called.

They all ran towards the house, wanting to rip open their final Hogwarts letters.

" Minerva must know you are all here, she's always one step ahead." said Molly as she handed us the pile of letters.

Harry took the bunch as he handed them out to Ron, Hermione, Ginny, and Luna. Luna had became part of their group after all she helped in the war. All was right and they had an amazing summer together.

Hermione took a look at her letter and had the biggest smile on her face. As she started opening the letter she felt a presence behind her as she looked over at Ron lovingly. Together they opened Ron's first and saw the usual information.

"Open yours now." Ron said as he looked down now at her letter waiting for her to open it.

As she tore open her letter her eyes went straight to the two words she had been anticipating to see.

Head Girl.

It was everything she had always wanted. Not bothering to read the rest of the letter she turned around and hugged her boyfriend while jumping up and down over and over agin.

" I'm finally Head Girl Ron! I did it! I can't believe it!" Hermione screamed.

" Congratulations." Ron said as he kissed her square on the mouth but Hermione could tell something wasn't right. The beginning of the end.

End of flashback

After eating a chocolate frog, Hermione lied her head on the window as someone knocks on the compartment door. She was exhausted from the long morning of packing and saying goodbye to her parents. While she loved Hogwarts and was so excited to go back a part of her never wanted to leave her parents again. They were the first ones to try to convince her to go back to Hogwarts for a normal year of school before she was done with it forever. After some convincing she decided to attend for their final year, knowing this time her parents would be okay and unharmed.

Hermione MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now