37; we were the hundred.

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1.13. We Are Grounders Part Two (2)

Harper's eyes widen as she takes in groups of grounders running across her and Jasper's spot at the West foxhole. "I see one! There! There!" She shoots multiple times, causing mines to explode before her gun is set with just clicking. She was out of bullets.

"They're drawing our fire."

"Damn it." Harper curses, her eyes meeting Jasper's. "I'm all out."

"They want us to run out of ammo." He reaches down grabbing the walkie, and turns it on to speak to everyone. "All gunners, listen up. The grounders are not attacking –"

Those on the North wall – Miller, Monroe, Bellamy, and Quinn – had begun shooting since the grounders were running from side to side along the main field where mines should be located, if not then they were being tripped by trip wires.

Jasper's words were coming out frantic, making them pause in their shooting.

"- They're making us waste bullets. Don't shoot when they're running laterally."

The pattern in which the grounders were doing was exactly how Jasper described it. They were making them waste bullets, and they were succeeding. Bellamy picks up his walkie to respond. "Jasper's right. Don't fire until you're sure it's attack. Repeat, do not fire until you are sure."

"Clarke, hang tight I'm on my way."

Jasper's voice made Quinn ease up a bit, and her eyes meet with Bellamy. "Now, would be the time to get to higher ground. They're going to attack any minute."

"You don't know that. " Bellamy doesn't remove his gaze from the grounders.

Quinn stares at him for a long time, before she puts her gun down.

He turns to her, "What the hell are you doing?"

She straightens up as she pulls her holder onto her back, and grips her bow tightly. "What I should have done minutes ago." She ignores Bellamy's wide and worried eyes, and she turns to Miller. "You got this?"

Miller only looks at her for a moment before nodding.

"Good." She states, her eyes harden as she looks at the other two – Bellamy and Monroe. Monroe was looking a bit scared, and Bellamy was just worried. Worried in sense that she was being an idiot. "See you on the battlefield, Blake."

Without another word, she slips out of the foxhole, and runs to the gate in front of her. Seeing the trees above her, she grabs a hold of the gates, and pulls herself on top of them. Her feet wobbly, but her bow and holder were strapped to her back now – and seeing a branch nearby, she reaches upwards, and pulls herself onto it.

Bellamy watches her disappear in the background of the leaves, and he breathes out roughly. He knew she could handle herself, as long as she was right above them, and near them – he was okay, that way he could help her if things got bad.


The voice of someone through the walkie sounded, and then the roars of the grounders follows behind; the war has only just begun as the group runs towards them.

Outside the gates, Tristan held one of their walkies he's stolen. Or otherwise took from the sky person he had captured a few days prior. He could see his figure sat against the tree nearby, and walks over taking out his knife. The kid stares up panicky, and he stabs his knife into his leg causing Murphy to scream out in pain.

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