15; where's octavia?

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6. My Sister's Keeper [Part 1]

I was born in space. I've never felt the sun on my face or breathed real air or floated in the water. None of us have. For 3 generations, the Ark has kept what's left of the human race alive, but now our home is dying, and we are the last hope of mankind.

100 prisoners sent down on a desperate mission to the ground. Each of us is here because we broke the law. On the ground, there is no law. All we have to do is survive, but we will be tested by the Earth, by the secrets it hides, and most of all by each other.


17 years ago

Young Bellamy watched his mom in pain as she leant against the wall for support, "Mom, please, let me get a doctor."

"No! You can't tell anyone." She panted her stomach fully shown with the baby bump. She knew that the baby was coming soon but not when. She looked over at him, "Tell me what happens if you do. Say it."

"Y-you get floated." Bellamy replied before shaking his head, "I don't understand. Why is it wrong to have more than one baby?"

"The Ark couldn't survive." She panted gripping the wall behind her when she had a contraction, "The chancellor can't allow it."

"He's, like, the Emperor Augustus, right?"

She nodded smiling through the pain, "That's right. Just like the emperor we read about." She knew time was now as she felt the contractions closer, "The baby's coming. Get the blanket."

Bellamy ran behind her and grabbed the blankets from the top shelf. He stood by as his mom cringed gasping in pain as she had the baby. Bellamy gripped the blanket's in his hands as he saw the baby crying. His mom held the baby, sliding down the wall, until she was sitting. Bellamy reached over with the blanket and covered the newborn baby.

His mom looked over at him, her face covered in sweat, smiling softly, "My brave boy. " She smiled, her voice coated with tears, "You have a sister."

She handed the baby over to Bellamy who took the baby carefully into his arms. She gasped sightly before whispering, "You should name her."

Bellamy remembered the story of Augustus. He looked down at the baby with a smile, "Augustus had a sister." He glanced up at his mom before at the baby, "Octavia."

Octavia began to fuss around in his arms, and his mom grew a little paranoid, "Bellamy, you can't let her cry. Here. Give her to me."

He began to hand over Octavia, when his mom started to doze off. He saw and grew panicked and started to shake her, "No, mom, mom, you can't fall asleep."

"I'm so tired." She said, her voice slowing down from tiredness. He looked up at her as she softly said, "Your sister. Your responsibility."

He saw her eyes closing and he shook her arm, "Mom, mom, what do I do?" His mom fell asleep, "Mom!" Octavia began to cry and Bellamy raised a finger to his mouth, "Shh. Please. Shh." He lowered his finger into her sister's mouth, who sucked on it, her cries stopping immediately, "See? I told you. It's ok. I won't let anything bad happen to you, Octavia. I promise." He looked down at her with a smile, as she kept sucking on his finger.


Baby Jasper was kept inside a little room that was connected to Quinn's room. Their parents, Gregory and Emily, looked over the two like hounds checking the clock every minute it ticks to see when inspection would happen.

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