04; the ark is dying.

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"All that we've amassed sits before us, shattered into ash."
- Bastille, Things We Lost In The Fire


2. Earth Skills [Part 1]

I was born in space. I've never felt the sun on my face or breathed real air or floated in the water. None of us have. For 3 generations, the Ark has kept what's left of the human race alive, but now our home is dying, and we are the last hope of mankind.

100 prisoners sent down on a desperate mission to the ground. Each of us is here because we broke the law. On the ground, there is no law. All we have to do is survive, but we will be tested by the Earth, by the secrets it hides, and most of all by each other.


The group of four ran as soon as they saw Jasper get hit. They ran back out of view knowing whatever did that to Jasper was still out there. Clarke led the way before stopping and looking back. All she could think of was they weren't alone, and how was she going to explain this to Quinn.

Finn ran past her, stopping when she saw her stop, "Clarke!" He grabbed her arm and pulled her, "Come on."

They ran as fast as they can. Going back, farther and farther into the forest, just needing to get away from there and from the person or thing that did it to Jasper. Monty leading the way, with Octavia, Clarke and Finn following.

Monty ran fast not seeing anything on the ground until he fell. Octavia runs to him pulling him up, "Monty. Come on!"

"We got to go!" Finn yells at him. Monty stares at the boned figure on the ground in front of him, "Monty, get up!"

Clarke turns when she doesn't hear him getting up. She sees where he was staring, and looks around at the ground. bones everywhere covered in moss. Finn notices them too, as Octavia and him pick up Monty.

"Who are they?" Finn asked staring at the boned figures.

Clarke reaches down and picks up a skull. "What are they?" She stares down at the skull, it not being human, but not being a monkey's either.

"We are so screwed." Octavia pants out, holding onto Monty's arm.

A scream broke out in the air, causing all of them to look back at where they had come from; where Jasper was. Clarke drops the skull suddenly staring back.

"Jasper." Clarke states. She then starts to run, "He's alive."

"Clarke, wait." Finn yells after her, as she runs past them. The three run after her, "Wait!"

He catches up to her, "Wait.", he pulls her back, "Stay out of the trees.", the two looked to where Jasper was and didn't see him. "He was right there."

"No." Monty shakes his head. He asks, "Where is he?"

Clarke looks around, "They took him."


On the Ark, Abby goes straight to the control room, "Talk to me, Jackson."

"Rumors are spreading." Jackson stands next to her, "Witnesses saw a drop ship launch. It's only a matter of time till the people figure out that we sent the hundred to the ground."

"Let the council worry about the people." Abby turns to him, "I need you focused on reestablishing communication with those kids." Abby looks back to the screens, "How many dark tiles?"

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