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6. His Sister's Keeper [Part 2]

John Mbege walked over to edge of the forest where there a little drop that lead into another vast of forest. He looked down and saw something at the bottom of the ravine. He squinted his eyes and knew that Octavia could of been there.

"Look! Over here!" He called for the others, before turning back squinting his eyes at the object.

Bellamy walked over next to him, "What is it?

John pointed down the slope, "Right there. You see it? Is that Octavia's?"

"Rope." Bellamy demanded without answering John's questions. Someone handed him the rope and he started to tie it on a stump a few feet away.

Quinn stood by watching him loop it around his belt buckle. "What are you doing?"

He barely glanced at her, "We need the rope to get back up." He looked over at John, "Flashlight." John handed him the flashlight, and Bellamy took it. He started going down the slope slowly until he landed on the ground.

He searched the area until he looked in the bushes finding the ribbon. He glanced at it more and noticed it was hers. He could spot it anywhere.

"It's hers." He called out to the others. He looked at the pathway in front of him and decided to go that way, "I'm going all the way down."

Quinn narrowed her eyes at him about to go too, when her brother cut her off, handing his torch to Finn. Finn glanced at her with a raised brow, that caused her to shrug. She turned to her brother who latched himself on to the rope before he followed after Bellamy.

Jasper slightly scrambled on his feet as he landed and looked forward finding Bellamy crouched on the ground. He walked over and saw the blood on Bellamy's fingertips.

She closed her eyes slightly before she muttered to herself, "And this is why I came with you." Her muttering caused Finn to smirk slightly, as he watched her close her eyes before she turned to the rope. She gripped onto and rolled her eyes looking at Finn, "See you at the bottom."

He smirked as she walked down the slope slowly before she jumped, landing behind Jasper who didn't flinch at her arrival. Bellamy was crouched down looking at something on the ground. She moved closer hearing Finn behind her jumping with the torch in hand. The two moved over to the others crouched on the ground.

"Someone else was here." Bellamy said looking straight forward at the prints. Jasper was looking the same way, and the light from Finn's torch helped spot the prints on the ground.

Finn looked around before to their right looking at the prints, "The prints are deeper going that way." He pointed that way. Another pair a feet landed behind them. Bellamy looked that way, as Finn turned to him, "He was carrying her."

Bellamy looked up at Finn who gave him the sorry look, and he turned his attention away. He glanced over at Quinn who stood up immediately looking in the direction the prints were leading.

Jasper leant forward, "If they took her, she's alive." He tried giving him hope, before he lowered his voice, "Like when they took me."

Quinn jerked her head back at Jasper who swallowed his fear looking between Bellamy and Finn. She didn't like hearing things like that. Kidnapping and hurting people. This was completely barbaric. She turned away and started to walk in that direction without the light, knowing that being in the dark, is the best way to go unseen.

But, in this group, torches and flashlights are a go. Bellamy stood up walking past the others in the direction she went, followed by Finn and Jasper next.

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