08; acid fog.

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3. Earth Kills [Part 2]

Its been a few hours since the hunting group had went out on their search. Quinn had been along with them for the ride following after a pig they had found a few seconds earlier.

At the sight of it being only a feet away, Quinn held up her bow and aimed an arrow at it. But, as she pulled it up a hand gripped her arm that was holding the arrow, tightly causing her to look at the tanned and strong hand before looking to her side at Bellamy who had started pushing her arm down.

She narrowed her eyes as she watched him crouch beside her, as if he was about creep up on the pig for his kill. "You know I have a pretty descent aim." Quinn whispered causing him to roll his eyes at her.

He waved a hand to the others in the group. "Shh-shh-shh-shh. She's mine."

He moved closer ready to aim his axe, as he lifted it over his shoulder about to throw it when a disturbing snap crossed his attention, and he turned swiftly throwing it behind him. The axe lodged itself into the tree behind him with a thundering snap!. In contrast, Quinn had turned her aim behind her where the small person stood with wide eyes still looking wearily at where the axe lodged itself, her breathing uneven at the abruptness of Bellamy's actions.

"Get him!"

The yell urged the rest of the group to run after the squealing pig in the different direction when Bellamy had thrown his axe, leaving Quinn and Bellamy behind along with Atom who had stepped over to the side seeing the reason that the two had tensed up. He glanced over in a general direction where a small girl was looking terrified at the axe.

Bellamy glanced over at Quinn who kept her bow up and aimed, as he walked over to where a small girl was standing. Her scared expression turned from the axe to him.

"Who the hell are you?" Bellamy asked with narrowed eyes. His own shock turning to anger and confusion in a second as he thought about how his axe was literally a foot away from her head.


"I almost killed you." Bellamy sternly stated giving the girl a glare that would make any kid feel ashamed. He turned to Quinn, the two exchanging the same panicked looks though Bellamy held himself together as Quinn's eyes were still widened in shock.

She realized her bow was still up, aiming an arrow in the little girl's direction. Rolling her eyes, she lowered it as Bellamy walked over to the tree near Charlotte, and pulled the axe out in one swift pull. Quinn walked over to Bellamy her own suspicion was being highlighted on her face as she stood close to Bellamy who gripped his axe firmly in his hands.

Atom followed her over, and looked at the girl. "Why aren't you back at camp?"

"Well, what with that guy who was dying..." Charlotte started not looking them in the eye, ashamed for even following them all this time. "I just... I couldn't listen anymore."

"Honey, there's grounders out here." Quinn stated to her trying to get the girl to understand, in addition to ignoring the comment of her brother dying.

Atom looked at the girl. "It's too dangerous for a little girl."

"I'm not little." Charlotte defended giving Atom a look.

"Ok, then." Bellamy smiled a little, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a knife. Since the girl seemed to hold her own and act up the fact she was courageous, he held out the knife in front of her. He understood the fact that being in a place for so long was going to take its toll on someone, and having he there, it just gave them an extra hand. "But you can't hunt without a weapon."

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