24; the lunatic Is born.

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This is super duper long because this has been well wanted and waited.... so I FINALLY GOT TO WRITE AGAIN!!! hopefully this is good, and please comment and vote if you want :)

9. Unity Day [Part 1]

I was born in space. I've never felt the sun on my face or breathed real air or floated in the water. None of us have. For 3 generations, the Ark has kept what's left of the human race alive, but now our home is dying, and we are the last hope of mankind.

100 prisoners sent down on a desperate mission to the ground. Each of us is here because we broke the law. On the ground, there is no law. All we have to do is survive, but we will be tested by the Earth, by the secrets it hides, and most of all by each other.


6 years ago.

Quinn was inside her cell as usual. The past couple of weeks have been hard on her. She was being commandeered by Diana - breaking into Mecha, breaking into the mainstream, and the worse thing about it all was be tortured at the end. She doesn't blame Abby, no, she blames the whole council. Its not her fault that she wasn't an only child. Its not her fault that Diana set her parents up for failure.

Actually the fault is all Diana's. The blonde woman who stole her parents away from her, took her brother, killed them by the action that everyone in the Skybox feared the most. Floating was the worse type of death to pertain. You get shot off into space, where your oxygen escapes you, your skin starts to break, and in the end you explode.

Okay, okay, she's obviously exaggerating but the whole thing about this type of death is result of an action that the person does. For instance, she knew that with her record - hacking, stealing, junking - she will be in the Skybox until she was eighteen, unless for some type of miracle the council forgives her and she resorts to living as a janitor for the rest of her life.

She never really heard of stories outside of the Skybox of those who were forgiven. But the guards talk. She overheard a few who had been forgiven- some becoming classic citizens and role models for youngsters around the Ark, while the rest of them had become janitors or "cafeteria ladies".

She didn't want that life. She wanted to fulfill it and actually have people give a damn about her. She wanted them to actually like her, and love her for who she is. But, how can she love them back when they have everything that was taken from her. They have a family, a home, an actual personality that makes others actually like them. For Quinn, she doesn't even know who she is at times.

She has her dreams, her ambitions, her goals - though they will never come true. She was stuck in a whirlwind that surrounds everything that the former chancellor Diana Sydney wants. If it was up to Quinn, she wouldn't have given in to the woman. But the woman had given her hope that one day she would reunite with her family. Now its hopeless, now, she can see there is no light at the end of the tunnel.

A few hours later, she found herself balancing a tray on a finger in boredom. She had taken the utensils earlier and stashed them away for safe keepings.

It was there that her life changed. It changed for the future.

The door slid open and a guard walked in. Immediately she was confused, and had stood up looking at him in worry thinking that the council had already made their minds up about her. But then the door closed after him, and her eyes widened more but this time in fear.

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