10; i told you, charlotte.

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4. Murphy's Law [Part 1]

I was born in space. I've never felt the sun on my face or breathed real air or floated in the water. None of us have. For 3 generations, the Ark has kept what's left of the human race alive, but now our home is dying, and we are the last hope of mankind.

100 prisoners sent down on a desperate mission to the ground. Each of us is here because we broke the law. On the ground, there is no law. All we have to do is survive, but we will be tested by the Earth, by the secrets it hides, and most of all by each other.


Outside the walls of the camp, Clarke sat next to the newly covered grave. A grave that was freshly made that morning; freshly covered a few hours ago. She couldn't believe it. She didn't want to. It was impossible. He was meant to be on Earth alive, not dead.

Her tears never came, she couldn't cry no matter hard she tried, but she had to be strong. Not for Wells, but for herself. He would of wanted her to be strong without him. But why was it so hard for her to not forgot all that time she spent hating him, and yet he just forgave her so easily.

Footsteps came from behind her, and she instantly tensed taking out her knife and aiming at whoever it was that snuck up on her.

Finn stood there with his hands raised looking between her and her knife, "You shouldn't be out here alone." Clarke sighed putting down the knife and turned away from him. "What if I was a grounder? They got Wells just outside the wall."

Clarke shoved her knife back into her belt before sarcastically replying, "Says the guy who just spent another night exploring the woods all by himself."

"But I'm reckless." Finn pointed to himself, "Irresponsible." Clarke looked down, and Finn looked at her, I got you something."

Clarke looked up suddenly at him expectedly. Finn pulled out his hands cleverly hiding the object, before his hands with palms towards her with a snap. His right hand holding a pencil.

Her face went shocked as she took it from him, "Where did you get this?"

"The art supply store." Finn replied with a slight smile.

Clarke smiled up at him, before she looked down a the pencil. Her smiled vanished, "You know when we were kids Wells was always giving me ink, charcoal, just anything I could draw with, really. I found out later that he was trading his own stuff to give it to me. He didn't want me to know that, either. He let me hate him so that I wouldn't hate my mother."

"I know." Finn told her.

Clarke's eyes teared up as she looked at Finn. "My mother killed my father.", She shook her head looking away. "Just wish there was something I could do. To tell her I know. Make her feel what I'm-"

Her rant stopped as she thought it through in her mind. She knew exactly how to make her mom feel the way she did. And she wasn't going to change her mind. She glanced up at Finn before marching around him towards the camp.

Finn watched her pass him, "Where are you going?"

"To make her feel it."


Abby stayed in the control room with Jackson for any changes in the kids down on earth. She was hellbent on doing so. She rested her head on the chair for hours just looking at the vitals for changes.

It didn't take long for it to start beeping. She immediately got up and looked at the kids profile. She shook her head not believing as she saw her daughter's file.

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