02; you can breathe now.

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❝It's a revolution, I suppose;
We're painted red to fit right in.❞
Imagine Dragons, Radioactive


1. Pilot [Part 2]

Sitting directly next to the blonde girl who was currently passed out, was the son of the Chancellor - Wells Jaha. Why was he there? you may ask. That's a good question.

Before the plan of having the hundred delinquents be sent out was enforced, he overheard the plan made by his father and council. And at the time, he remembered that Clarke Griffin, who was one of his best friends - though now that has changed - was one of hundred from the Skybox. He remembered after her father shot off into the dark abyss, floated in short, she was taken into the Skybox for the crime of treason. Since she had the information about the Ark via her father, the council saw her as a threat of some kind, and locked her up.

When he discovered that the hundred were being taken to a drop ship to head down to earth, and he knew Clarke was one of them, he immediately did as much as he could in order for him to be taken down as well. An hour before launch, he got himself arrested, thus planting himself in the seat where he was now next to her, ready to go down to Earth.

Now he sat waiting for Clarke to wake up. It had been only 5 minutes since the ship has taken off, and the only thing heard was the excited chatters of those around him, and the constant rumble and shake of the drop ship.

As he looked away from her, he checked around the whole ship missing Clarke waking up with a killer headache meshed with a sense of confusion when she looked around the drop ship.

Everything was so loud, and as she felt the carrier shift in the air, Clarke sat up from her slumped position in high alert. The carrier was a huge drop ship filled with all the other delinquents strapped into seats hooked to the wall and floors. Her eyes narrowed at the shade of grey covering the walls, her eyes cascading around the area for familiar faces before she stopped on the one next to her.

"Welcome back."

With narrowed eyes, she glared at him. "Wells, why the hell are you here?" Her intention wasn't out of worry or shock, but out of anger. She knew he wasn't in the Skybox all this time with her, so seeing him in the midst of all the delinquents caused her blood to stir, and emotion to unleash.

Shifting in his seat, he had his hand out in defense. "Look, when I found out they were sending prisoners to the ground, I got myself arrested." His wrist rose in the air, her gaze turning to it before back at him. Her glare not lessening. He looked at her with a untold emotion. "I came for you."

Lights flickered on and off as soon as the words came out; the ship rattling around causing the kids inside to jump repeatedly in their seats. The lot of them grabbing something to hold themselves as the ship lurched over and over again causing unease to settle their minds.

Screams and groans came from all around the drop ship, before everything calmed in a second. The group slowly calming themselves as the ship leveled itself into a smoother trip.

Clarke was confused and scared as she looked around, wondering what the hell just happened. "What was that?"

"That was the atmosphere." Wells answered her, before his eyes caught the flicker of the screen in front of him.

A chime echoed throughout the ship, and the screens on every level, and every wall turned on showing the face of the Chancellor - Chancellor Jaha.

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