Chapter 01-New Century

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December 31st, 2299

Tens of us are gathered in a bar, crowding the place completely, being loud and obnoxious, singing, laughing, boasting, and completely drowning out the soft music that was playing an hour ago. The NPCs don't mind, though; the servants are overjoyed as we order beers and wines over and over again, filling the tavern with the smell of sweet alcohol from our drinks and gold coins for tips. There are five minutes left on the countdown, so we begin sharing New Year's resolutions.

"Get to tier six magic!" Essej exclaims. We laugh; he's only a Spellsword.

"Good luck getting there," Mack scoffs arrogantly. "You don't have the magical capability to even cast a spell. When you're on my level, then come and talk to a real spellcaster."

"You can't even swing a weapon! You have no melee combat capabilities! Don't even talk when you don't have armor to protect yourself when I kick your ass!" Essej fires back. We laugh and howl. Essej is really riled up.

"Break it up girls... and Mack," Sess jeers with a grin. His pet baby wyvern, offspring of the elder wyvern he tamed, coos.

"Oh, shut up kid. Come back when you're not being breastfed," Essej retaliates with a sneer. We howl some more.

"Calm down boys let's keep it PG," Havanna sighs. "Anyways, I'm trying to get to the Godlands. That is if you have the courage to-"

"Are you sane?" Cecelia asks with a cocked eyebrow.

"Seriously, you're talking about going into the Godlands, if it even exists," Margot presses.

"Hey if the lady believes in fairy tales, then let her live her life," Alo chuckles sarcastically.

"I'm serious, there's a rumor amongst the high-ranking spellcasters that there's a drop somewhere near Libra's lair for Merlin's spell book!" Havana wails.

"Rumors," Essej reminds.

"So, we have a Spellsword who wants Spellcaster-level magic and a delusional Spellcaster who wants to go into the Godlands if she can even find it. Is anyone going to be realistic?" Margot asks slamming her beer onto the table after a satisfying long swing.

"I'm still trying to master elements without their presence. I'd say I'm doing a really good job. Better than most of these... wannabes," Mack brags.

"Mack. Like, just, no." Rachel scolds.

"The last time you did that, you blew us all up. Hey guys! Watch this! And you tried to make a flame. Don't even try that here!" I warn seriously.

"Rookie mistake," Mack says rolling his eyes.

"Anyways, I'm, like, a lazy slob so, like, count me out of resolutions," Rachel says indifferently.

"What happened to new twin rapiers? You're still using your rapiers you had at Gold-rank," Pranav asks.

Rachel shrugs then sighs. "Like, I don't know. Legendary cutlasses of Ambrishan are good, and, like, the stats are boosted to hell but, like, I'm wearing adult diapers at this point not using them." We laugh.

"I need Apollo's Bow," Margot says seriously. "And I'm gonna solo that. That's my resolution."

"Cause Margot's a strong independent woman," Sess jokes.

She rolls her eyes. "I know I'm up against a hard boss. I don't know who, but it'd be wise to do a few suicide runs and learn its fighting style," she adds.

"There's a grimoire somewhere in the Deadlands. You guys wanna help me reach my resolution? Huh? Huh?" Pranav asks dancing his eyebrows in a wave, causing Rachel to, once again, go into a hysterical laughing fit.

"You're gonna need me," Alo says. "If you think you're gonna make it through hordes of zombies without a healer, you might as well board the crazy train with Essej and Havanna."

"Well, Alo, what are you up to?" Essej challenges.

"Eh... I'm with Rachel on this one. I'm not feeling it," Alo sighs with a sheepish sneer. Rachel grins and they clink beers.

"Not one of you said you wanted to get to Gem-rank," I mention surprised.

"I mean, it's kind of gonna come, like, naturally with all the help we're getting from God Killers," Rachel explains.

"Aha, Cece, you always seem uncomfortable every time we mention the guild name," Sess jeers.

The faithful Christian looks confused. "No... not at all. I am a monotheist, not a polytheist. Besides, it's a video game and does not interfere with my religious beliefs. And even if I were a polytheist, this game focuses on made up gods. Anyways, I wouldn't expect a kid to know what any of that even means," she claps back.

We laugh and slug Sess in ridicule. "Ten!"



We chime in. "Seven!"



"Four!" "Three" "Two"


"Happy New Year!"

Everyone in the crowded bar draws their weapons in one hand and beers in the other and raises them for a cheer. Every block in the city fills with cheering.

Not only is a new year, but a new century. And the game officially releases now. We are all on the road to Gem-rank.

"Alright guys, check in with families and get back on... Sess," I say, "I feel sorry for the people who have to live with you."

He grins with his middle finger raised and we laugh at him until we log off.

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