Chapter 05-Preparations

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January 9th, 2300

"You guys have about a week," I say remorsefully. Like everyone, it's still taking some time to grasp the fact that this is really happening. "You can do it right?"

"Yeah, we've got 10,000 of us. The Elementals will be working their asses off to make artificial wind to get us there in one day," D-Pop replies.

I look around. Tens of boats are being set up with hundreds boarding. The dock is so lively. Even though most of these guys are going there to die, they are laughing and joking around as they carry loads of equipment into the ships. It's really throwing me off. Then again, it's probably because of D-Pop. He's so lively and willing; you can't go wrong following a guy like that. Sess wanted to go, but we didn't let him. Alo literally restrained him while Havanna talked him out of it. If he's even gonna die, it'll be with us, not there.

"I want to thank you, Ben," D-Pop says making full eye contact.

I glance around, avoiding his eyes, confused and uncertain of the situation I've just been placed in. "Y-you're thanking me?" I ask caught off guard. I've encouraged these guys to their deaths whether they like it or not and realizing that, I'm starting to feel pretty ashamed.

"Yeah. You told me to get up off my cowardly ass and fight for others. I was just going to wait out the last of my days sitting there being miserable. People like me and people like them," he says pointing to the dock, "we're always looking for opportunities to prove ourselves and be a part of something bigger. I'll remember you," he says sticking out his hand.

I smirk in modest guilt and grasp it firmly. "Do well out there."

The 50,000 of us watch the 10,000 sail away into the blue of the ocean and the sky, then disappear over the horizon.


January 13th, 2300

The grand map is displayed in the sky of the Capital. The 30 last Obsidian-rank raids have been completed successfully.

10,000 balloon candles are lit to represent the lives of those who jump-started our progress. The grim reality of them dying one-by-one of

natural causes or in game-death passes my mind and I feel deep regret. Reality sinks in, though. This is real.

Like stars in the sky, the balloons float towards the heavens. May they all rest in peace. The remaining Obsidian-ranks have trained and we're ready to fight until the end as well.


January 14th, 2300

3,100 Obsidian-rank players assemble at the docks. Sess too. He has not died; someone came for him. Like Cece said, never lose hope.

It will take half a day of sailing and then half a day of walking inland to our Obsidian raid. We've chosen one in the Frost Region: the Blind Iceman. Our fleet of 20 wooden cruise ships sets off. The Elementals provide us wind so we can really say we're smooth sailing.

"Hey, Mack! Slow down! Let the pack catch up!" I yell to Mack who is streaming wind to the cloth of the sail through his elemental magic. He rolls his eyes and drops one hand propelling us slowly enough for the other boats to inch their ways up. I lean against the railing and become immersed in my surroundings. The briny smell the ocean is strong. I breathe in, hold it, and breathe out. This is all really happening.

Alo leans next to me. "Don't worry Ben, we're all going home no matter what." He stops, then grins. "Besides, I'm not going down without meeting your kids."


"Land-ho!" Margot hollers from the crow's nest. The group has done a few runs in the Ice Region, but we never really got deep into it. I think it was a random chance for the 10 thousand heroes to hit this trail. It's not the most... serene place in the game. The air around us is chilling. I mentally access my inventory. Seeing my stuff in front of me on my HUD, I drag and drop my Obsidian-rank Legendary Warrior Plating of Lemosium to the suit slot, and the metal armor begins to envelop my body providing insulation and protection. My greatsword of Lemosium is huge and packs one hell of a hit. I step off the boat and my metal boots sink into the snow. The entire continent is an ice cap.

Tens of boats are docked on the shore and the 3,100 of us group up. We begin our 25-mile hike to the Obsidian quests. The Beastmasters have brought their polar bears to aid with carrying all of our equipment and food.

We march.

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