♏Chapter 52-Scorpio♏

877 58 14

July 3rd, 2305

"So, when did you start playing?" I ask.

"Hmmmm... Probably around 10," Scotty replies.

"Wow, 10?" Rachel asks, stunned.

"Yeah, I was a spoiled little brat. Parents worked for RealVision, so I got the tech free," he explains.

"How are you even our rank?" Havanna asks.

"Well, Havanna—a beautiful name to match a beautiful face—1st of all, I was pretty damn good. Still am. 2nd, I had a good boosting guild. 3rd, I was pretty damn good—took fencing lessons since I was six. Naturally, I would have taken the Pirate class with Rapiers but I wanted to be bigger and better." Scotty explains.

"Wooow, everything about you is cheap kiddo," I remark.

"C'mon, I was 10 years old. I started playing in the 5th year of the beta, so a lot of experienced players boosted the bejesus out of my stats, and I mean boosted the bejesus," the 19 year old explains.

"Sounds extremely sketchy to me," Essej mumbles.

"Well, getting me to turquoise-rank in five years didn't come free. I had to fork up any drops and gold I received from anything, every time."

"Is that what boosting guilds do?" Essej asks with a frown.

"Eh, it's scummy, but they gotta make revenue somehow."

"Did our guild help you to Obsidian-rank?" Alo asks.

"Gem too. I signed up with the repeat group for this campaign," Scotty says with pride.

I grin and slap him on the back. "You're one of us now, kid," I say heartily.

"Hopefully I'm being replaced as the runt of the pack," Sess suggests.

"C'mon, he's young and suicidal. He reminds me of me in my teenage years," I reply.

The repeat group is comprised of seriously brave Gems-ranks going above and beyond, risking everything, who signed up to fight all 12 gods. The original plan is that 500 Gem ranks sign up for one god each. There, they help kill it and either survive or die. If they live, they can choose to not fight anymore and wait for the next group and next group until we beat the game, or, participate in every raid group for every god until we beat the game—or they meet their fate.

Havanna swings her arm around Sess's shoulder. "Consider yourself an adult now," she jeers.

"I'm 32 you numb skull," Sess retaliates.

"Wow... they grow up so fast," Pranav jeers.

"Screw you guys," Sess says mildly annoyed.

"Love you too," Pranav replies chuckling.

"Jeez, you guys are like my kitten bullying my pitbull. Lil guy is a ferocious tiger in the body of adorableness," Scotty says. We laugh.

"They mess with me, time to time. It's a perk of being the youngest in this tight-knit super friendly family," Sess presses sarcastically. "Then again, half of them ask for the senior-citizen discount when they go to the movies."

The 30 somethings—Sess, Nav, Marg, Cece, and Mack—howl and laugh at us 40 somethings—Me, Alo, Rach, Essej, and Hav.

"Dayum!" Margot shouts from above. I grin. Sess got one off us old guys. OK. Welp, time to end him.

"Act your age, not Scotty's shoe size," I jeer. Everyone howls in laughter as Scotty threatens to jump overboard.

Our fleet of five passes through the waterfall to Scorpio's lair.

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