♍Chapter 49-Virgo♍

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January 13th, 2305

"I kinda miss Leo's home," I admit. The tall grass and blue sky gave the battlefield a greater depth, and Leo—a greater role as a god to fight. Virgo inhabits in literal darkness; a void. Just like the Angel of Death.

"Eyes in the sky boys," Margot warns. The 500 of us are checking everywhere for any sign of the goddess, Virgo, being especially feminine.

"What sky?" Sess replies. "I hate the bosses that come and sneak-"

"Down!" I bark, pushing Sess to the ground. A human-sized, white, bird-like creature swoops down and carries two screaming players away with its talons.


"We gotta help them!" I cry. Snipers take aim, but my stomach flops.

She twirls, flying up into the air to face us, then crushes the two squirming players who disintegrate with their particles float away. Virgo has a ghostly white, feminine body with the hind legs of a bird. Her face is very flat and her hair floats behind her. Attached to her back are a set of wings, and resting above her head is a halo.

"Well, you noobs know the drill! You're here because you survived the five demigods we assigned you! Now it's time to prove your worth!" Essej urges.

"I want my casualty rate no more than 10%!" I bellow. We're already off to a shit start. I brace myself and down Havanna's "magic juice" as she calls it. It tastes like shit, but not as bad as before. I almost died then.

Virgo waits on us to attack so we can forget about defense for two minutes.

"Everyone in formation!" I order.

Melee based classes assemble to fight head-on, with a few volunteer support-only Paladins sprinkled into every close range unit. Wizards surround the god from the top in a ring. The Beast Whisperers take air advantage and will be attacking when the opportunity presents itself. The Priests and Sorcerers take the back flank, either going melee close-range or magic for mid-range. The Snipers distance themselves, forming a giant ring around our battlefield to cover every sector, while the Druids cover the side flanks at close-range.

"Snipers! Laser fire! Quick encounter!" I cue. The Snipers fire red beams upon Virgo. She flaps her wings and soars into the air twirling. A lot of the lasers collide into a massive ball and explode. Virgo goes for a dive bomb at the front guard. "Shields! Whisperers, get the counter offense!" I order. As Virgo dives down, we Berzerkers raise our shields.

"Expand shield!" I yell. Players scurry under my shield and under other Berzerkers' shields for cover. Virgo fires white beams out of her hands. Pressure hits hard but I hold up my shield and let the goddess pass over.

Sess and the air cavalry pursue Virgo, firing precise shots with enchanted bows. As agile and acrobatic as Virgo is, she still receives massive blows from the arrows, which stick, either exploding or releasing deadly surges of electricity.

We all watch the massive dogfight in awe as they all twist and roll and bank and whatnot. I would easily get vertigo.

At 975 bars of health, Virgo takes the offensive. She spins around and extends her angelic wings fully to slow herself, then fires several of the white beams, or purity rays, out of her wings. Like heat-seeking missiles, ten beams are fired, then break off into five smaller beams each. 50 white beams soar for 50 players.

"Diverge!" Sess yells. I watch him pull the reins on Rancor forcing it to fall back and letting the beam miss them barely. Other Whisperers dodge the purity rays, but nine are killed from direct hits, and five others have their beasts hit, which sends them falling to their deaths.

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