Chapter 24-Wraith

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September 27th, 2301

No one talks as we walk—haven't since we left Lich territory, anyways. We're all completely consumed in the micro-universes in our heads, reflecting on everything that happened back there. We drag our feet and stare at the ground in silence.

Wraith Demigod.

I know I'm not perfect, but at the end of the day, I have a job to do as a leader.

"Cheer up guys. Two more bosses," I say with a fake smile. Eyes come up, analyze, and look back down. We're not gonna fight well if this is the attitude. I'm responsible for all of them.

I stop everyone. "Listen up!" I bellow. Eyes look up from the ground. "In the state we're in right now, we're all gonna die," I say. "Insecurities, demons, and sins came up, but you know what? Who the hell hasn't ever made a mistake? Who the hell is perfect? Honestly. We can't mope around any longer, otherwise, we're a danger to ourselves, and everyone around us. I need to know you guys have my back and each other's," I demand. There is simply silence. The Lich really did steal part of our souls. I'm still fighting it, I really am—trying to be optimistic and ignoring everything that happened.

I'm still hurting.

I lower my tone. "Look... I don't know what you guys have done, or what you've been through. The fact of the matter is that we're all in this together. We're a team. We've stepped up to the plate. We've killed 18 out of 30 demigods. Us. A little over halfway and we can't give up. We've come sooo far, guys and we haven't lost a single person too, despite all the times every single one of us has almost died. If we're gonna keep it that way, we're gonna have to fight in the present for the future and forget the past. It's done. We've all f'ed up. There is nothing we can do to fix it. The only thing to do now is to move forward with our lives, kick some ass, and save everyone. So many people are counting on us. If we don't forgive ourselves, there's no hope. Hope is all we have. If we drop the flag of resistance, who's gonna pick it up and continue to fight to win? Who's gonna plant that flag on the words of the cyber- terrorist who said that we would all die here and never see our families again? We're not playing his little game. We're fighting for our lives, our families, our friends, the people counting on us and their families and their friends, the people who died for us, the people who were murdered, and the people training to fight in the future. Remember why we fight! This place is where we redeem or troubled pasts and come out heroes! So let's be the heroes we're destined to be! No more moping around feeling sorry for ourselves because the past doesn't shape the future; the present does dammit!"

There is silence as people process. Alo steps forward with a sly grin, tears brimming his dark brown eyes. He begins to clap. One by one, my teary-eyed allies are cheering and clapping for my heartfelt speech.

"You guys ready to kick some ass?" I yell wiping the water from my own eyes. Everyone cheers with pride, courage, and most importantly, hope, as we march into the extremely foggy rainforest.

"Eyes peeled, watch the flanks," Essej warns.

"Mack, can't you do, like, do anything about this fog? It's like a burning building in here," Rachel pleads.

"I can move it around. It'll still reset cause that's how the landscape is programmed to be," Mack replies.

We hear a ghastly, breathy whisper that gets louder and freakier. We draw our weapons with goosebumps and the hairs on our necks standing on end. "Keep an eye out," I warn precariously. I notice that it starts to get colder and colder as we continue on.

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