Chapter 17-The Leviathan

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August 14th, 2301

It was a smart move going back. Instead of all 30 of us crammed on one ship, we have three ships with one of every class on each. It makes all the boats much faster because our equipment is spread, and we have triple the ballista firepower.

We followed the map, around the Kraken's path and took the path for Leviathan.

Leviathan Demigod.

"Hey, guys! We're entering Levi waters!" I yell to the guys on my boat. The Sniper on board aims his cannon upwards and fires a bright red flare into the sky.

We speak in flares between the fleet: Red for caution. Yellow for target moving. Blue for fleet formation. White for attack. Black for defense.

To our right, we spot a monstrous head pop up out of the water and dive down, followed by a serpentine body, followed by a scaly snake tail with a spiny dorsal fin, ending with a giant tail fin. It jumps out of the water, glares at us, and dives into the water.

"Yellow flare!" I order. The Sniper fires the yellow flare which explodes in the sky only lasting for around five seconds. We pursue the Leviathan as it dives like a dolphin, in and out of the water.

"Man the ballistas!" I order. While a Druid pilots the ship, the nine of us operate a ballista. I grab the front ballista on the left side of the ship. "Blue flare!" I order. The Druid slows her wind and steers right, then accelerates, placing us directly behind the serpent. The other boats take sides next to the Leviathan.

"White flare! Attack!" I yell. My ballista is aimed at the beast's spine. The white flare comes up so we all fire our giant harpoons. I watch mine sail and impale the serpent in its long tail. The Leviathan roars in shock. One direct hit takes down one bar of health. Out of the 15 ballistas fired, nine harpoons hit.

"Reload quickly!" I yell. I grab a heavy, metal, 10-foot harpoon from the stockpile, load it in, adjust my aim, and fire.

Seven harpoons hit.

The serpent begins turning into the boat on the right, so it turns right, as well as everyone else. A yellow flare comes from the ship on the right.

"More speed! Get closer!" I yell to the Druid. She closes her eyes and concentrates on the sail, blowing more wind against it.

I grab a harpoon from the stockpile, place it in the slide, and pull the rope back until I hear a click. I rotate the heavy, forward facing, ballista up and to the right of the Leviathan, leading my target to make up for drop and air time. Finally, I press down on the lever, releasing the harpoon. 11 of the harpoons of our fleet hit. The Leviathan dives down into the water.

"Black flare! Black flare!" I yell. Our Sniper fires a black flare. "Uesica defensu!" our Wizard yells. He strikes his thorned cane against the deck and a yellow beam shoots up, then spreads in a spherical form, creating a bubble around the ship. The bubble will not allow fast-moving matter to enter and can only absorb a certain amount of energy.

We wait, ballistas on the ready, bracing for the Leviathan's attack.

I peer over the rail to look down in the water... I see its figure getting darker and clearer. Before I can cry out, the serpent strikes our boat with its body, jumping straight up. I hang on to the rails as the boat soars in the air, spinning in all directions.

SPLASH! Water hits from every direction. Holding my breath, my eyes analyze the scary situation; the boat is flipped over and I'm underwater. I can see the sunlight penetrating the surface of the ocean; behind me is a lurking Leviathan.

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