Chapter 13-Anubis

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July 24th, 2301

"I'm, like, not getting used to these AIs talking crap," Rachel complains.

"I'm not used to them talking period. It's annoying," Margot agrees.

We all laugh.

"At the end of the day, they're just ones and zeroes with swords," Alo says grinning.

Anubis Demigod.

I accept the quest. Like for the lair of Isis, the doors of the pyramid open slowly to reveal darkness ahead.

"Lights," I cue.

Havanna nods. "Claror lux," she says. A bright orb mounts the tip of her cane.

Mack scoffs. "We're damned if we're going in there with a match. Lemme make a real torch." He closes his eyes then closes his hands in the way you would when holding a bug, trying not to let it escape. Pure sunlight peeks out and then he takes off a hand, holding a brighter mini- sun.

"Semi-impressive," Havanna jeers.

"Pshh. It's better than yours," Mack retaliates.

We all set off inside what seems to be a tomb taking us downwards. At every turn, there is a deadly booby trap: spikes, bottomless pits, lava, quick sand, and such to make the situation infinitely more precarious than it even needs to be.

"Where exactly are we going?" one of our guys asks.

"Can you count to one?" Margot asks confused at his confusion. "That's the number of paths that we're taking."

"Fair enough," the guy sighs embarrassed as we snicker at Margot's ruthlessness.

After avoiding more traps we arrive at a set of giant gold decorated doors.

"Well, this is it," I say. "If there's one thing we learned from Isis, these guys will destroy us if we give them the chance. Predict where they're going to sneak. Don't get cocky. Cough Mack."

"Like you can do any better!" he exclaims.

"Mack, you should back down before you eat sand, again," Margot advises with a sneer.

I push the two doors open. What lies before us is a literal sand storm; sand blows everywhere but does not leave the room. I'm the first one to enter. "Stay together!" I urge. I can't even see more than 20 feet in front of myself.

"We're in for a blind fight. How do we plan to do this?" Alo asks concerned. He's right. It's impossible to see. Regardless, we continue into the storm.

"It's not about what you see. It's about what you feel. Trust your senses," Essej advises, drawing his sword.

"Thanks for the tip, Sensei," Mack jeers. "You mean sense-AI," Pranav jokes.

"We have five senses. Just because we can't see doesn't mean we can't hear, smell, taste, and feel," Essej replies.

"I don't see how smelling, tasting, or getting hit by the guy is gonna help us kill him, but you do you, man," Mack jeers again.

"We could all learn something from Essej. Now's not the time for arrogance, unless you enjoy the taste of sand," Margot warns. We laugh. She's really on him today.

"Quiet." Essej suddenly snaps. We stop dead in our tracks. I listen to the sound of the wind howling for any irregularities. I concentrate hard. My eyes shut with the same force of my gritting teeth as I feel around me. From my southwest, I feel the wind hesitate for a fraction of a second. I spin around and block the magic attack with my shield! I then surge forward and stab Anubis in the left side of his black chest. Essej is right next to me with his katana in the right side of the chest.

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